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Castor V. Strife


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road

Name: Castor V. Strife

Nicknames: The God of Snuff, Emperor of Endings, The Final Scene…The GOLDEN DREAM! Alright, you don’t have to call him all that stuff.

Height: 6’3

Weight: 245

Handedness: Right

Looks: Emerald green eyes, long dirty blonde-hair, chiseled face, intense stare. Has a patrician look to him, and a very well sculpted body.

Hailing From: Hollywood, California

Disposition: As far gone heel as you can get.

Gimmick: Wealthy independent filmmaker who suffers from severe delusions of grandeur. Over the years, he has profited from a repertoire of avant garde cinema which include themes of psycho-sexual degradation, bisexual eroticism, bondage, perverse obsession, surrealness, delusion, dream sequencing, and coarse violent fantasies.

Ring Attire: White wrestling tights with black lines indented like claw marks going down the legs and fading out just below the knees. On the butt of the pants are two woven black eyes. On his way to the ring, he wears a long black shimmering robe, and a gas mask over his face (to prevent him inhaling mediocrity from the rest of you).

Theme Music: "Venus in Furs" by The Velvet Underground

Valet/Entourage: Blanche Barnett and THE TRIUMVIRATE (Reno Stone, Kid Lifto, The Human Trashcan). Their info can be found on the NFW website.

Ring Entrance: The arena goes black, with white mist lights shining directly forward out of the entrance way. His music plays as he walks out of the lights, only to have a spotlight follow him to the ring. In center ring, with only a spotlight on him, he removes the gas mask, and holds out his arms as he turns in a circle, to let the crowd know “the wait is over, here I am.” Sometimes Blanche Barnett will be filming him with a mini-8mm camera. Typically, she'll follow him out, along with The Triumvirate (Reno Stone, Kid Lifto, and The Human Trashcan).

Tactics/Style: Well rounded wrestler that is incredibly athletic for a bigger man. Style is akin to Lance Storm, if you need a real-life reference. His entourage is constantly interfering in his matches, making him tough to face. Castor views his matches like a production which he can control; he pulls the strings to manipulate the finish as he pleases. Therefore, he'll look to cheat by any means, usually with the help of his followers.

Strengths: Power, agility, ability to play mind games.

Weaknesses: Eccentricity, hubris, easily frustrated.


Move Set: German suplex, belly to belly suplex, flying leg drop, missile dropkick, spinning heel kick, double underhook facebuster, super kick, double-overhook suplex, springboard diving clothesline, springboard dropkick, cradle piledriver, spike piledriver, powerslam, brainbuster suplex.


-Powerslams a smaller opponent neckfirst onto the ropes; opponent stumbles to his knees, while Castor is bent over in wait. Opponent gets to his feet, slowly...SUPERKICK AND THE PIN!

-Irish whips an opponent, picks them up in a fireman’s carry position, but then begins to stumble as his opponent use their weight to drive him back. Wisely, Castor shifts his weight to the ropes and back bodydrops his opponent to the outside. Optional: Castor proceeds to dive through the ropes at them.

-Opponent lifts Castor up for a suplex, but Castor hops behind him and locks the head for an inverted suplex. He lifts the opponent up into a fireman's carry instead and hits THE CULT CLASSIC.

-One elbow! Two elbow! Three elbow! Turns...slowly...DISCUS ELBOW SMASH! Castor flashes an exhausted smile drops to his knees and throws his arms up in glory. He leans back to get what should be an easy pin. WHAT?! He kicked out?!


Details regarding the early life of Castor V. Strife are sketchy at best. He was born on October 15, 1980 in Pavia, Italy, in the region of Lombardy . At the age of 10, his parents moved to Los Angeles, California before eventually retiring in Arizona. Castor, by then 16, was working as an intern for Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer and decided to stay in Hollywood to pursue his dream of being a famous director. By the time he was in film school, he was working weekends in a local wrestling promotion where he would do video distribution in exchange for booking. Quite the prodigy in the ring, he learned the ropes rather quickly and had several tryouts for big-time organizations by the end of college.

Joining NFW's ranks in 2001, Castor set out to show the world his vision using pro-wrestling as his platform. He made his mark early, going unbeaten in his first three matches before dropping a razor close match to then NFW World Heavyweight Champion Shane Southern. During NFW's Season 1, Castor was drafted into the North Division where he enjoyed mixed success until resigning from full-time competition by Week 11. Fortunately for him, the newly established NFW Eastern Conference was in dire financial straits and in need of cash. The surplus of revenue Castor received from his films wound up funding the East's operations, and led to him being named Chairman of the Eastern Conference by Commissioner Michael Manson. Each show ended as a "Castor Von Strife Production." (Reportedly, Castor's middle name is actually Valor, although some maintain it is Virtuoso). By the time Season 2 rolled around, Castor had a ceremonial role in the NFW East (mainly handling Michael Manson's documents and such).

From 2007-2008, Castor stayed out of the business completely to focus his attention on the ever-profitable Castor V. Strife Productions until making his return to NFW in late 2008. Initially tagging with Problem Child in Jimmy Mylde's 'Bold New Disaster', Castor decided to part ways from the group to once again focus on singles competition. One noticeable difference about Castor since his former days is the change in muscle mass. Initially weighing in at around 245 pounds, Castor came back 20 pounds heavier at 265, rumored to be on banned substances supplied to him by Jimmy Mylde (who himself has been indicted on steroid trafficking charges). Some even speculate that years of blackmarket Rx abuse has turned Castor delusional (as if he wasn't already).

In the aftermath of NFW's 2010 crackdown on drugs, Castor has decided to slim back down to 245 (although remaining more muscular at this weight than he had been previously), just to avoid any "speculation" that he's using any performance enhancers.

Provide a 20-set movelist as follows:

1-5: Elbow to the head, Irish whip into a knee, armlock, backbreaker, guillotine headlock

6-15: Double-arm face lock, knee bar, sleeper hold, figure four, full crab/half crab.

16-18: 'THE CULT CLASSIC' (Fireman's carry dropped into a knee strike to the face, aka CM Punk's 'Go To Sleep')
'NO PLACE LIKE HOME' (Hurricanrana performed on a running opponent, usually after an Irish Whip; aka Frankensteiner. Used for
quick finishes)

19: Set-up- Anything, really. You can use the standard kick to the stomach, or any of the three described "Special Moves." For the GOLDEN DREAM, the setup is anything that temporarily incapacitates the opponent- usually some sort of outside interference that has crippled him. Ex. Starshooter takes a baseball bat to Impulse's hamstring, Castor puts him down, and into the Torture Hug because he knows he can't escape following the injury.

20: Finisher- 1. (Primary) DIRECTOR'S CUT (Snap Swinging Neckbreaker)

2. (Secondary) Euthanasian Torture Hug aka THE GOLDEN DREAM (Sleeper hold from a Camel Clutch position; not only is the guy getting put to sleep, but his neck and back are getting cranked to sh*t. This move is only to be used in very dramatic circumstances where a basic finisher isn’t enough. See: setup)
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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road

Setup and/or heat spot: 'The Cult Classic'

Description: Fireman's carry dropped into a knee strike to the face (aka CM Punk's 'Go To Sleep'). Serves as a setup to Castor's snap-swinging neckbreaker finisher, aka the 'Director's Cut'. Example: He hits the knee, opponent drops to the ground, attempts to get up immediately instead of recovering...so he's stumbling bad, and walks right into the Director's Cut. In a long match, where both men have suffered a beating, The Cult Classic could possibly be used to end the match...but it's more likely a setup or a momentum changer.
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