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Capture the Flag Match: Felix Red vs. Rat Fink


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
This match is to determine who will face the WFW World Heavyweight Champion on the next show. RP will end on July 3rd 11:59 PM. Send all angles to PaulNJ21@aol.com


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
the positive side of hate...

(CUEUP: For the World by Shai Hulud)
(Felix Red, black jeans and a black Jedi Mind Tricks “A band, not a Star Wars thing” T-shirt, sunglasses and hair once again making him hard to see for who he is, standing in a room where the lightbulb hasn’t quite gone out yet, but will soon, so it’s blinking on and off randomly…)

“the boy who destroyed the world”
FELIX RED: Things have changed…I, who pursue my goals in terms outside of socially acceptable parameters, have been thrust into the role of hero. I was once hated for undermining false righteousness. Now I am loved for it. What is called evil, is based on the purest of intentions. To hate a world where ignorance and greed are virtues is a noble thing to do. To be megalomaniacal is to be as righteous as any grandstanding hero. To engineer the destruction of the destroyer of you and all you hold dear is an act of survival as much as of hate. Use your powers of foresight, Rat Fink…Tell me, What if you did all that already? What if you won? What if life as you knew it lay in shambles at your feet? Then what? Would you become like me?

When your hate becomes who you are, and what you hate ceases to be, you cease to be as well. You can die, or you can rebuild. Eye rebuilt. If you can defeat me, you’re my equal or stronger than I am. After what was once is only a rain of ashes, you’d most likely rebuild. If you can’t win, if you fall, you’re weaker than I am, and I will remake you because you will have been wasting your time as a villain. There’s no point to destroying everything if you can’t create anything to replace it. The king of a dead world is no king at all…To be king of a dying world, to rule the wasteland I once called home, is a little better, but not much. To be king of a world still being shaped…well, that’s a more legitimate sort of power, isn’t it Mr. Fink? (grins)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: the positive side of hate...

(Cue up "Totalimmortal" by AFI)

(Fade into Rat Fink's robotic production facility where Rat Fink is removing the fur from his metal minions.)

Rat Fink: Another successful plan, another step towards the order of evil. Now I must step into the ring against increasingly game prey, this time against one Felix Red. Felix Red, the smartest kid in English and Philosophy 101, who can't keep himself from spouting intellectual buzzwords and concepts. The loudest one in the class, so self important, so all knowing.

My friend, when I have won the world will not lay in shambles at my feet. There will only be a glorious bloodless revolution where the tyrants of today fall at my feet as the masses declare Rat Fink their new leader, their new god.

Now as I strip this wretched fur off my minion, I must move on to you Red, how to combat you, to discover your weaknesses, your secrets. But it seems that the last victory was indeed the unifying victory that I intended it to be. By defeating the furries, the enemy of the people and the animalification of all of this societies ills I have become the people's choice of leader. WFW has been forced to cave into the voice of the disillusioned massed and to make me a contender for the title that will be the symbol of the revolution. This next victory will be the final step before the toppling of the establishment. Felix, for one as downtrodden as yourself it must be of some solice to know that you are the final step. You are the last stand of the crippling tyranny of false dreams. After you the facade crumbles away and the world championship is within my grasp, a simple pincer movement will make it mine.

You are correct about the purity of our evil. It is the most pure thing I have found, so much good to be found in it. Its purity will cleanse the world of its wrongs, evil will fall upon the land and dreams will cease, hope will cease, only the purity of reality will be left. Felix, don't stand in the way of this change, do not fight it. Step aside and allow yourself to fall into the wave of humanity who already has stood up to the current tyrants and voice their support of the revolution.

(Fade Out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
on freedom...

(CUEUP: “Rat Fink” by the Misfits)

(One…big…dark…room. Felix Red sits slouching foreword, black leather pants, sunglasses, no shoes, Pi “the movie not the wrestler” T-shirt, legs dangling over a TV… static blinking on and off over a rerun of Battlebots…)

FELIX RED: Sometimes when I get suspicious that I am a character in a child’s dream who will vanish never to be remembered again as soon as it wakes, I get a little bummed. So I watch CNN, and laugh and laugh and laugh…

You call me the one with all the answers in the incorrect tone of voice, Mr. Fink. You’re the one who’s trying to control things. I already do. You’re planning a military coup, while my war has been fought and won. This makes me a success in your chosen field. Someone you should listen to. Self Important? Certainly. Everything beyond the boundaries of my flesh is just sensory fodder. Just Entertainment. Your unholy army of the night will serve you well as a really big remote control. I have all the power I need. The ability to really change things doesn’t result from forces exerted on the external, but towards the center….I can do anything I want. I don’t need this status to be approved by a committee and officially documented and filed as the way things are. I don’t need permission. I don’t have to worry about how my actions will effect my public approval rating. Think of George Orwell and his elephant. Does an over privileged yet simple man murder thousands because he’s so twisted, or because they wont let him stop? Robots need batteries. Are you willing to trade your freedom for godhood? Has it occurred to you can only have them both or neither? If automatons are leading their programmers, then the only form of control worth it’s salt is Anarchy. Which means that it’s not because I bear you any sort of ill will, but because I am pure or heart and intention that I’m going to drop you on your spine and kick you in the jugular…

Self defeating self nullification for you, unless you abandon everything you stand for. Self destruction will be your salvation. You can’t save me. You and I are just silly dream people. You can’t save the world. There’s no world to save. So save yourself via your own ruination. It’s never too late to start over. Which is why I will become WFW world champion. Not to be known as the best, but to appease my curiosity as to what happens when yet another world falls apart. Will it look anything like the earth? Or once the WFW dissipates and reforms in my image…will I look the same? The lot of you, ye mighty, will look upon my works and wont know weather to drink a cup of coffee, double over in hysterical laughter, or kill yourselves. While I will already be unable to wait and see what happens next…


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: on freedom...

(Cue up "Bad Omen" by Megadeth.)

(Fade into the robotic production facility of evil mastermind Rat Fink. Rat Fink stands in front of a division of his finest robot warriors.)

Rat Fink: Felix Red, the time draws near. Soon the answers you claim that I claim that you claim to have will pour out on the mat as you are swept asside by a revolution so glorious that children will read about it years into the future, until enough time has passed that we can claim we were gods, or something of the sort that liberated the people of earth from their cruel mortal masters.

Felix Red, I ask you to move out of the way of our steamroller. The freedom you speak of is a freedom to suffer from the crippling arthritis of broken dreams. Why would someone wnat to live in this world, where they can enter a world where they aren't given a chance to have their dreams crushed, they simply start out in what occupation they were born to live in. The great wisdom of evil will make this world possible, where childrenw ill no longer be force fed images of heroic firefighters and sports stars, instead they will see the importance of the janitor and the fast food employee, for that is their fate, that is their reality.

Ours is a noble goal, we are a selfless people who do our evil deeds for the good of all. We do not disrupt society for our own aims, we do it for the will of the many.

We realize you cannot be saved for you are a product of this world. You are one of the victims. You know nothing other than being one of the victimized soulless masses. You've lost everything to this world. They tell you that you have so much, when in reality everything is what they have taken.

My legions of robots will march upon the capitals of these men and we will take back their ill gotten gains. The spoils will then be that of the revolution. We will take back the stolen dreams and put them in the arc of the great evil which will do so much good for the world. The population will see that it is evil that has done away with the slavedrivers of the moderm world and has brought them into the glory of reality.

The final wretched huddled masses are so close to joining the cause Felix. But you continue to stand in our way. Why? Why are you so selfishly trying to hold the whole of humanity down in the gutter?

Sickening how a many could stand against the revolution. Could stand in the way of us gaining the symbol of mankind's renaissance as a hopeless society that will not be crushed and kept under foot by the old ways. We will capture the world heavyweight championship with out without your aid, but the revolution will not treat you kindly for forcing us to sweep you aside as the world has done.

Do not take our evil lightly. It may be done for the good of mankind, but it has a power. Our legions will crush the rulers of today, but first I will have to deal with you for opposing the revolution. The championship will be the first spoil of this war, and it will signal the start of the new order.

(Fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
Scary title goes here, hoes...

“They did not know the difference between the vision in their hearts and the illusion of the American Dream. In pursuing the lie of illusion, they made it impossible to experience the truth of their Vision. As a result, everything of value was lost.”

-Hubert Selby, Jr. On the main characters in Requiem for a Dream…
Los Angeles

(CUEUP: Ending the perpetual tragedy” by Shai Hulud…)
(Felix Red sits on the floor, this time in a brightly lit room with white walls, in his spiral design wrestling tights and an old IWF T-shirt reading “My antidrug is CRACK,” giant X’s drawn across his his wrists, dark sunglasses, staring up at the camera….)

“The boy who destroyed the world”
FELIX RED: Well then….

I’ve detached myself entirely from what you’re calling humanity, Mr. Fink. I couldn’t hold humanity in the gutter against it’s will if I tried. Humanity has nestled itself down in a pit of sewage all by itself and has no intention of rising under it’s own power. My hate, my miseries, my pathetic little problems, became who I was. When I rid myself of them, I was no more. I had ruined everything. The reality is that most people do not want to be saved. They’re afraid to dive into the oblivion, and maybe they should be. Maybe they’re not ready to be individuals. Maybe they need the collective, the government, the shared cultural values, maybe they need to see themselves in terms of what they have rather than who they are. Maybe not. I don’t know. I don’t care. If you were really such a philanthropist, you wouldn’t think of yourself as some sort of historic figure in the making. The prospect of being worshiped by future generations wouldn’t cross your mind, much less be what you bring up before explaining the justifications for this. You speak of liberating humanity from it’s own doomed American Dream, when you yourself are a fellow of middle class origins who might become a world champion wrestler soon and you’re a full blown megalomaniac to boot. Pure Horatio Alger. You contradict your own beliefs by existing. This isn’t any of my business either. I’m not interested in hypocrisy or ethical dilemmas. Ineffectual. Sometimes interesting only as a novelty.

The Intellectual and physical are what win us material successes…like wrestling matches. In regards to your mind state, Rat Fink, well, obviously you’re insane. Believe it or not, the same has been said of me. Far be it from me to assume everyone who doesn’t see things in the same terms I do does so out of madness. But if you are insane, you’ll fall. If there is any logic grounding your self assumed grandeur, then you could very well fall anyway. It’s well and good to have intelligence and a strong body. It’s far better to meld the two halves into one being. To extend both capacity’s to manipulate ones environment beyond the realm of self is approaching invincibility. I suspect you to be of the first pair, I strive to the later. You don’t want to free humanity from the illusion of the American Dream. You mostly just want to free yourself, but weather out of insanity or stupidity have yet to do so, as I have. You don’t need an army of robots to do this. You don’t need to topple any governments. You don’t need humanity itself to rally behind you. You need only to pry open your third eye….as the song goes….To embrace the random, Mr. Fink, is to become a god. (grins, and throws up a double thumbs up…)

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