* CLOSEUP: A framed $100 bill. ZOOM OUT: Kin Hiroshi sits in a leather recliner, sipping cognac and smoking a cigar. *
KIN HIROSHI: That, right there, is the easiest money that anyone has ever made off Joey Melton. Well, besides that schmuck that keeps feeding him penicillin. I mean, who are we kidding, you're just prolonging the inevitable, man.
Sure, I might have snuckered poor Joey out of the money, and out of the match, but I was brilliant.
Nothing short of genius.
On my way home I got a phone call: Kin Hiroshi v. Cameron Cruise. I just about died.
When am I going to get to wrestle someone new in EPW? Huh?
Melton, Cruise, Hiroshi. Hiroshi, Melton, Cruise. Cruise, Hiroshi, Melton.
It's the same old song and dance, just switching up partners and going from a tango to a waltz. And what for?
Because I "sabotaged" a dead tag-team? Until there is hard proof on what happened, the Cameron Cruise Project's death was NOT my doing.
Hell, what do I have to gain by it?
Cameron Cruise is one of my oldest and dearest friends! Look who I coat-tail everywhere. It's a sure thing: Cruise shows up, climbs the corporate ladder, mentions "I know a guy who's got some talent", I show up, I push push push Cameron to the top!
Not because I have to, but because I want to. Hell, I may have not been anything without Cameron: he helped me get my first win in the United States back in our EWI days.
I've partied throughout the world with him and Kevin Powers. We've drank, we've smoked, we've slept, and we've cuddled. After all, those coach seats on SouthWest Airlines are cramped...
Cameron, don't think about this match as anything short of another great opportunity to help out a friend! See, while you have your hands busy digging for titles, I'm still trying to get a foothold in EPW; struggling for my slice of the pie.
You deserve all the success that I've given...err...that you've earned. After all, I'm no Joey Melton, but I did help you beat him! Remember that?!? When we tagged together and beat Joey.
Oh man! That was awesome! Think about the places you're going, and what it would mean to me if you could help me out, just one more time.
Hit up my cell, I'll be down at the internet cafe logging into MySpace.