(Fadein, Cruise facing away from the camera at the backdrop, that's labeled "TEAM WRESTLING")
CRUISE: You know, there's an old saying that goes "There's no 'I' in 'TEAM'".
Grammer speaking, unless you're abit like Black Death Devil Mastr...basically a pissed off tree....it's obvious.
But this isn't grade school and I'm not makin' it out to be.
Mercedes checked it out for a common definition and said that it was "An organized group of people work working together".
So what do I find in the mailbox from the Company Memo....but a Singles match.
With Beau Michaels, no less.
Kid, either you're slick-palming the boss...which...by your way of living is disgusting...or you don't understand the concept of "STAY THE **** AWAY FROM ME", one bit.
From one place to another, one booking to another that Mercedes sets for me, I show up...
And you're in the dumpster trying to hide.
By the way, for as crooked as you are...one would think that hiding in a DUMPSTER would be kinda Superfluous as you being in this business as a whole...
But perhaps it was the orange rinds in your ear that kept you from computing it to that nasty lil' brain of yours, hmm??
But I digress, all things aside....here we are AGAIN.
But remember one thing you Bi-Sexual piece of crap, this may be "TEAM WRESTLING", but when this match is over...consider this the one and only RARE INSTANCE...where there WILL be an 'I' in "TEAM", when I beat you, and move on to the next round.
Because that...my unadulterated-strange opponent, is a REALITY CHECK, that you just...won't like.