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(CUT TO: WildStar, in his singlet, in front of his empty wrestling ring in his warehouse/training academy.)
STAR: I'm going to get right to the point. I know my opponent, "BiSexual" Beau Michaels has been a controversial figure in the circut the past few years. Beau -- I'm going to get this right out of the way right now. Your sexual preferences... none of that means a thing to me. You can check my income statements. For years, I've given plenty of support through my (does the FIVE STAR HAND GESTURE) Five Star Charities to the gay community. Gay Men's Health Crisis? ACT Up? Teen runaway shelters? They've all been a recipient of my largesse. Hell -- me and my wife have even marched for more government support.
Beau, I support the GLBT community in its endeavors. I believe you should have the right to marry, the right to hold another man's hand, the right to do whatever it is you damn well please. I find you a breathtaking change of pace from the average knuckledragger in this sport. I think you're brave and courageous for taking the stand that you have taken.
But just know this -- when you step in the ring with me, you're my enemy, you're my opponent. And I don't give one sh(BLEEP) about who sucks your d(BLEEP) after the show. In the ring, you're just someone in the path of the only man in this sport who is a (does the FIVE STAR HAND GESTURE) FIVE STAR WRESTLER. And that's the only thing that matters.
Because in the ring, Michaels... I Am Superman. And I Can Do Anything. In the ring, Michaels... I Am Superman. And, baby... I Am What's Happening. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE! (Does the Five Star Hand Gesture. FTB)