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BREAKING NEWS: jOlt Wrestling Signs two HUGE Superstars


Aug 19, 2006
The news broke a few minutes ago that two huge superstars have inked a deal with jOlt Wrestling. Sources who broke the story said that Damien Lee has also issued a statement about these signings. The statement reads as follows:

"This morning, at approximately ten o'clock, we have signed two of the biggest names of our time to jOlt Wrestling. This is a momentous and exciting occasion for us and we welcome them with open arms into the jOlt Wrestling family. I want to make it clear that these individuals are not here to take the spots of any of the hard-working men and women that we have on the roster, but to work side by side with them to help enhance the status of jOlt and to allow us to stay competitive with our rivals. As to the identity of these two individuals, all I will say is... tune into iNtense 122 tonight on the WrestleNet NOW Network as they will be on hand at the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon, the site in which iNtense will be broadcasting from tonight."

Speculation has already begun as to who these two individuals are. The world will find out collectively tonight on iNtense!

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