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[BLOG] Benjiroo's Blog O' Love


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
As a community leader, I take it upon myself to visit every other community I can think of. Sometimes I become active there, sometimes I just lurk. Either way, I am always watching. I guess I just like to see what works, what doesn't, what drives people to certain sites. What can I say, I am a bit competitive, even if at the moment I am not competing.

When E-Wrestling Torch first began, I was excited. At first I thought this would be the perfect out for me and I could send all of The 'Zine's support over there. Offered them our forums with already faithful member base and my help. They respectively declined and continued on. I still supported them, even pulling directly from their front page as the only source for Zine news for a while. However, right now, that's all they have. Is the front page.

For whatever reason, their activity is borderline dead on their forums. The same people who went over there away from The 'Zine because of it's lack of activity at the time and "negativity" have recently been the biggest cause for the Torch's recent slow times and even, I hate to say it, negativity. The only thing right now that makes their forums appear to be active is Swamp Pirate has broken down his awesome end of year threads separately, meaning you have to reply to like 15 different threads to fully interact. It's cool, but I feel like as a guest it's a slap in the face that no other staff member, or main member, has stepped up and done anything about it.

Don't get me wrong, they began to do daily news items of the day there for a bit, but even that died. All it was, was taking one news item from the front page and posting it on the forums for discussion. No real originality or work done. Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking shots at The Torch, or writing this just to point out the flaws I see. I am telling it how it looks, from a regular visitor perspective, in hopes maybe it'll light a fire under someone's ass. I love Dan to death, but the guy is more talk then action in most cases, and when he does act, he fizzles out. He has a golden opportunity to step up and help the torch, yet he doesn't.

You might be asking yourself at this point, "Well, then why don't YOU step up Ben and help out instead of *****ing." First off, not *****ing, giving constructive criticism. Why don't I? If you're reading this blog it means you are surfing the site in which is the reason i don't. I must step up and make sure my site is providing the most current content and features, updated regularly, and very active. As a community leader and upper guy, that's my job. Just like it is for those over at the Torch in my position and every other similer site. People tend to bad mouth Kut at RoughKut, but that son of a ***** keeps his stuff active and he doesn't venture out of his site. That's why it has, and will, last.

Me talking positive about RoughKut is not the reason the title says hell has frozen over. Not even close, as I enjoy visiting RoughKut but do not post regularly for the reason stated above about EWTorch. Nope, it has more or less everything to do with David Tyrell's E-Wrestling Nexus at http://www.ewnexus.com or http://ewnexus.ning.com.

People tend to believe me and Tyrell are sworn enemies, or we had a falling out, or other stupid ****. Let me set the record straight. I like Dave, he has just been overly flaky in the past with his projects and annoying as **** with his spam tactics that he declares is hype. **** hype. A while back he was over here asking how he could repair his reputation, and the general census was to quit ****ing asking questions and just do. Well guess what, he has.

I find myself temporarily banning him occasionally when he begins to spam and make stupid comments over here, but he's always welcomed back. He's like a puppy, sometimes he just needs a smack on the nose. Well, in the course of all of this he has, almost quietly, built ewnexus up from a **** looking, crap ning using, Tyrell project glorifying, dumpster of cum to something that is genuinely good for the e-wrestling hobby/community.

Yep, I just said what you think I did. The Nexus gives you a lot of daily e-wrestling updates. Yes, most are pulled directly from places like here and other news sources, but hey it's spreading the word. There is so much more though. It isn't as polished as I'm sure it will be when he has more experience under his belt, but he has the ground work for something grand set. Awards, rankings, media, blogs, guys in mask. It's coming together nicely. To the point in which I have officially concluded in my head, as my own personal opinion, ewnexus has surpassed the Torch as the next community site that's worth becoming a member of.

There are few community places I am open about saying 'Zine members should also join. PTC is one, EFK another, and I wish more would venture to FWrestling. Up until recently the Torch had been in that list, but with their amazingly fast decline and appearance of just not caring anymore, Nexus has taken a spot amongst the list of places I send people asking me for my opinion on where to visit. It's not perfect, but it's a great resource for fed heads and handlers. David Tyrell has finally proven to me he can become dedicated and deliver. That's not to say he wont ever flake again. he may, and probably will, but in my book he has done what is needed to repair his reputation. At least with me.

So, when venturing around make sure you check out the Nexus. It may or may not be to your taste, but you'll never know if you'll like it unless you sample a bit. I'd say if he used our forum for his forums it'd be perfect, as the Ning forums blow cock. Ok, just kidding on the using our forum thing. The recent WRESTLECELL affiliation was big enough, but Ning forums do blow.

//Momentary Sidetracking//

**** Ning.com. I hate their set up, the way they do social networking, and the utter ugliness that they bestow upon us. I wish David could code his own ****, or find something better. I've **** things out I'd rather continue to visit daily then a Ning site. Hell, our blogs and social networking options built into vb are better then that crap. Dave is lucky he is a grandmaster of delivering, so I can look past the fact his site too closely resembles the other 1.3 million Ning cluster ****s out there. God damn it Dave, put some money into a coder. Their forums, really, really bag. Like seriously, I know I was joking about the forum comment above, but I'd almost rather turn most of my fantasy wrestling discussion over to a site like Nexus then look at Ning's set up.

//Ending Sidetracking//

In other news, I have come to the personal conclusion that the "Gavin Bannerman" who recently posted on the 'Zine was a fake, obvious fake. No ips confirm this, but the sites he supposedly was going to bring back he either 1) doesn't have the rights to or 2) does not own the domain to make such a task possible. Especially Steelramp. Anything other then steelramp.com would be a waste of time.

Alright, that's enough community ranting now. i have e-fed results to write for.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: [BLOG] Hell Has Officially Frozen Over: A rant and revelation

I deleted the extra posts in this thread, guys. Keep it private.

Ben, Katz can see what you replied to him as an admin of the site - so he'll see it if he wants.

But I want this forum clean of this stuff.


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
[BLOG] A Nod to The Money Shot

I've done a lot of things since bring The 'Zine to the net after it's several year hiatus. Some have worked, some haven't, but most have gotten some sort of attention. Take the video shows I used to produce weekly.


In October of 2009, I was trolling FWrestling as I typically do community sites and stumbled across something called "The Money Shot". I've never really been big on blogs until recently, but at that time I thought I'd check it out. I've always looked for new content to cover over here. The very first post I ever read of this blog, as me right in it.


Funny thing is, this came months after my final video blog, but it was still a fun thing to read and grabbed me as a Money Shot fan instantly.

Put the camera DOWN, BEN!
You know, it's bad enough I converse with these people through a make believe wrestler, but now I've gotta watch them on YouTube?

JON KATZ: "Uh, ya think? Try having to deal with them over XBox Live. Ahem."

Touche, Jon. And no, that's not a direct quote from Katz, I made it up. In case you were thinking about getting silly and accusing me of fraud or something...

Anyway, I'm fiddling around on YouTube one day, minding my own business...when I stumble upon this monstrosity:

THAT'S BEN HALKUM! Before I go on, I do give the guy credit for putting himself out there like that. He even acknowledges that people may rag on him for taking the risk. Well, here I am Ben.

I've really had little contact with Ben, so I'm not too comfortable making jokes at his expense. Then again, I made the same mistake with Lindsay, and it damn near cost me my life. If I were to give Ben the slack I didn't give Lindz in the same situation, that would not only make me a sexist, but also a racist, a Marxist, a Sodomist, and quite possibly a Pianist too.

OK, ready? Watch the video with me, startiiiiiiing...NOW!

12 seconds in, Ben, and you already have me wondering why the HELL you keep looking to your left. What are you on the look-out for, exactly? PEOPLE?! Yeah, I guess I wouldn't want anybody walking in on that either. "You do WHAT Ben?! Boy, this is worse than the time I caught you whackin' off. E-Rasslin?? I'd rathera found out you was starin' at animality, bestiality, whatever the **** they call it..."

"As you know...well, as you MAY know..." Yeah, ******* right you better stop yourself from assuming I know stuff! And STOP looking to your left, damn you! This ain't confidential information you're spouting! CONTINUE BEN!

"I'm Ben, I run the e-wrestling magazine along with..." Oh God, don't out your friends, Ben. Life is hard enough on them as it is.

"What we're tryin' to do is have 2009 be the year where, the e-wrestling magazine just...::looks left, looks right::...EXPLODES!" Well, guess what? It's now October 2009, and the only thing you've exploded was my monitor after this video caused me to punch it to death.

"We're trying to expand our features to make sure that all of e-wrestling...comes together." Really? I'm just the opposite. I actually don't want all of e-wrestling to come together. I find I enjoy the hobby more when we're segregated and certain communities are marginalized. I also feel that from a moral, spiritual, economic, and creative standpoint, e-wrestling doesn't deserve to come together. But yeah, you were saying Ben?

"...no matter what kind of fed it is, no matter what kind of community it is, no matter who it is, who's visiting, or who's not visiting..." Well thank you Mr. E-Fedding Rogers, but I'm not sure you really believe this. You're telling me that if the North American Man-Boy Love Association created an e-fedding community, you'd welcome them? I sure wouldn't...

"We want the e-wrestling community all together." I know, you said that.

"We're not JUST a community...we're bringing e-wrestling together!" Uh, yes Ben. Yes you are.

"There are other communities out there...::makes patronizing frown::...I visit 'em...I post on 'em...and that's OK..." Is it? Is it really OK, Ben...or does it make you wanna hurl bricks at pedestrians?

"...cause they're all here for the same thing: e-wrestling discussion...." AND LICKIN' THE ****IN' BOOTS OF BEN HALKUM!

"Am I saying we're better than any of them? No. Am I saying we're the best? Well, I'd like to think so, but I don't know. It's up to you to decide." Oh God, just say it Ben: you wanna use E-Wrestling Magazine to cockslap e-fedding worldwide. Personally, my goal is to win every title on FWC and then job them all in one fell swoop to James Varga. The forums would explode.

"This is your site. This-is-E-Wrestling!" ::Ben proceeds to kick Stephen Thomas down a well, incurring the wrath of Chad and his army::

Ok, turn it off. He's starting to get angry now, and I find it unsettling. If you're so inclined, check out the second video. Now Ben's REALLY pissed! "Welcome to the second edition, and today we've got...nothing. No news, nothing really to talk about, we don't got jack ****in' ****. Remember, we're here for YOU...to bring news to YOU that the community needs!"

YEAH! You tell those ****in' ingrates what's what! You're not gonna come out here week to week lookin' like Luke Skywalker's brother that never left the farm so he's pissed off he didn't get any intergalactic ***** or have any cool adventures...THEY WILL NOT MAKE A FOOL OUTTA YOU, BEN HALKUM!

(CUEUP: Friendly happy music)

You know Ben, it's alright. We know you're putting forth a good effort. Now I may have lampooned you a bit there, but it was all in good fun...for my blog readers. Hey, if you really wanna check out an fool, you should see the video I made addressing my former community college newspaper staff, which I was the editor of. I even showed them my cum rag. Yes, it's true, I showed them the towel in which I shot children not yet conceived. Nor will they ever be conceived. They shall die in a sale towel I bought from Wal-Mart; an ignominious end to a life never lived. We rue them, but we shall not forget their sacrifice.
****ing beautiful wasn't it? The greatest thing, what makes me mark out the most for this blog is how now, every time there is something to do with video or new features, Billy throws me in there.

For it was (twas?) on December 2nd, 2008 when the scattered galaxies of the e-wrestling universe ended their decades-long gravitational dance and collided to form an elliptical galaxy that damn near ENDED THE INTERNET. I.E. Ben Halkum posted to YouTube the pilot episode of 'The E-Wrestling Magazine' featuring your host...Ben Halkum. The result was apocalyptic! Features were expanded, news was delivered (or not delivered, since nobody submitted anything!)...and the e-wrestling community was brought together...

...But alas, this was NOT when the e-wrestling universe was brought together. Chad would one day get a real job, while Stephen eventually tied the knot. This left a gigantic power vacuum in the e-wrestling community, one which Ben Halkum GLADLY stepped his size 18 Nikes through!
It's actually an honor to be lampooned like this on such a good blog. I just felt the need to share with you and give my own personal nod to The Money Shot. Check it out when you can http://fwmoneyshot.blogspot.com/.

Oh, and **** you Billy.

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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Re: [BLOG] A Nod to The Month Shot

It was an honor to shove my size 12 boot up your ass, Ben! lol

But hey, thanks for being a good sport about it, unlike some other people out there. Some people get a sentence written about them and go apesh*t; I actually did an entire blog about you, and you took it well. People have to realize, I don't write this sh*t out of anger or malicious intent; it's just comedy. I'm so honored by this plug, Ben, that I've decided "Ben Halkum" should be an official "crowd fan" in NLW.


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
Re: [BLOG] A Nod to The Month Shot


Can I bring my own signs? Cause if I do I have to hold up one that says "I Love Lamp."

That will be all.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Re: [BLOG] A Nod to The Month Shot

Sure, I was gonna give you signs to hold up anyway. Also regularly in attendance: Terence...that's all I've got.


Jan 1, 1970
Re: [BLOG] Doing Something I am Tired of Doing


I will make sure that your sites are removed from EWTorch.
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