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Bane vs. Powers vs. Mokushiroku




[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-02 AT 10:01 PM (EST)]Fade in on a junky ford escort. While most of the car is red, it has a black door on the drivers side and a bright blue fender. The bumper is crushed. Behind the wheel sits “The American Nightmare” Gabriel Bane. He swerves around a corner, obviously going over the speed limit. The camera cuts to the inside of the car, “Come on Feel the Noise” by Quiet Riot blasting from the radio. Bane swerves around another corner, a tattered suitcase sliding out of the passengers side seat and into his lap. Bane hits a button on the radio, the station switching. “Tricky” By Run DMC is just ending on this station, the DJ explaining that it’s an all night tribute to JMJ. He changes the radio station again, a Breaking Point song blasting this time. He smiles and puts both hands on the wheel.

Bane: I’m late. Late for my flight to North Carolina. Late for the defense of my title. But I’ll make it. And I’ll win.

Bane smiles at the camera.

Bane: I’ve never heard of one of these guys. Ever. But then again, I don’t pay much attention to things around the GXW. Not my job. He could be good, he could be bad. This could be the first match of his career. Who knows? Either way I’m sure my real competition is “Good God” Kevin Powers. He’s still crying like a little *Beep* after our last playdate. “Blah blah blah I lost my shot at the X-treme title… blah blah blah I should have won.” “Blah blah blah it’s not my fault!” He was even crying to his opponent a few times about how he’d lost his chance.

Bane shakes his head solemnly.

Bane: Well, he and the boss must have had a “meeting” sometime, because obviously he didn’t lose his shot. And he accuses other people of whining needlessly. Just bring it, Powers. Sure, your team wasn’t up to the task last time. I’ll give you that. But this is the climax of our fun together. We can’t let a lame tag match end our fun, can we? I stuck your head in the damn toilet! And then you lost to me and JP’s man-servants. That’s lame. This is your big shot at the title, the one you’ve been crying about for the last few months. Come get it. Come get your title.

The camera zooms in on Bane’s face as he grins.

Bane: We’re gonna have so much fun.[/I]

Fade to Black

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