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... and all thats left is me



[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-02 AT 11:53 AM (EDT)] ((FADEIN: A side door at the UIC Pavillion where the GLCW wrestlers and other personnel enter. A man wearing a dark green jacket walks up to the door where two security guards stand.))

GUARD #1: "Excuse me, where do you think you're going?"

MAN: "Inside of course."

GUARD #1: "Let's see some ID and your workers pass."

MAN: "Identification? (laughs) I don't need to give you identification."

GUARD #2: "You do. And if you don't then you can leave. You won't be getting through this entrance."

MAN: "Oh. (pauses) Okay."

((CUTTO: a different view as the man turns around .. one can see a car that comes careening into an open parking lot and crashes into another car. The two security guards rush past the man and towards the car. The man stops in his tracks and slowly turns around and enters through the door, shutting it behind him.))

((CUTTO: inside the UIC Pavillion as the man is walking down a hallway. he is walking in the shadowy part of the hallway and the camera catches quick glimpses of his face when he walks under a lighting structure.))

MAN: "I belong a long way from here. And yet here I am. I could be anywhere right now. In New York. In Massachusetts. But I'm here in Great Lakes Championship Wrestling. GLCW has been waiting since its inception for my arrival.. because once I arrive their roster will be complete. Many people can look over the roster and strain their eyes. But as they search for that bonafide Champion, they can discount the Jared Poe's, they can discard the Maelstroms and the Michael Mansons. They can discard the talentless Golems and Jean Rabesques. Because once they eliminate all the waste thats polluting the GLCW, all thats left is me. And I'll be here very shortly. (pauses) Believe me."

((FADEOUT: As the man takes a quick corner and walks off, with the camera fading to black.))


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
They're doing construction at the Pavillion, no one can use the backdoor. And the parking lot is indoor in a structure so you can't really crash a car into anything.


[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-02 AT 11:56 AM (EDT)]OORP: oh .. well serves me right for not living near Chicago :) .. pardon the inconsistancy, but the RP's been fixed to accomodate.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
If you strive for accurancy, include an accounting of aviciously attacking me outside the pavillion on my way to class.

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