All the Right Words
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-03 AT 07:27 PM (EST)](FADEIN to the very same empty arena in which Golden Hawk cut his last interview. Except now, the lights have gone down, and the place is as quiet as a mortuary. The camera pans up to the seats, where Anarky sits, way up in the nosebleed sections, smoking a cigarette. Soft moonlight comes into the window and gives us his silhouette, and nothing else.)
ANARKY: "Ah, yes, Hawk... I'm pleased that you've finally taken the time out of your busy training regimen in order to address a pissant such as myself. I mean, sure, guys like me just sit around all day and luck our way into successful ten year careers. You, though? You gotta earn it the hard way. Poor bastard.
"You speak pretty well for a Texan, Hawk. Maybe you oughtta give Dubya a call. He could use a few pointers. But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?
"Hawk... the reason you are a fraud... has NOTHING to do with doing things the... RIGHT way. Or at least, not directly. You see, Hawk... your sin is the same as Maelstrom's. You push your own morality on others. You seem to have this... notion... that just because you bend the rules a LITTLE... that it's okay. A closed hand punch here, a choke there, a little tights pulling here. No big deal, right?
"Yet... when *I* go ahead and break the rules by bringing in a baseball bat, well, I'm just WEAK. I get it now, Hawk. But the problem is... your morality has no place here. You want to fool the world into thinking that you're a GOOD person? Please, Hawk. You hurt people for a living. What's good about that? You wanna sugar-coat it? Go right ahead. Don't mean a damn thing.
"Now Hawk... you seem to think that you've pretty much seen it all in your ten years. But for someone who's supposedly been around so long, you somehow missed a hell of a lot. You've seen and beaten people like me, Hawk? Where? Who are these people you keep talking about? You say you've wrestled for ten years, but so far as I can tell, you haven't beaten anyone I'VE ever heard about. So I'm left with two possibilities, Hawk. Either Texas is home to the most insanely talented wrestling pool ever filled with guys who make me look tame...
"... or you're just talking out or your ass. And y'know what, Hawk? It don't mean a damned thing one way or another. 'Cause when you enter GLCW... you start with the same record as everyone else. Zero and zero. Got that? I didn't walk in saying that because I'm a former so and so World Champion that I deserve a shot. Nope. I said I deserved a shot because EVERYONE, INCLUDING the CHAMP, KNEW IT. The moment I walked into this place, it changed. You don't have to believe it, Hawk. You're here, ain'tcha? If I ain't nothin' compared to what you've already seen, what's the point? Or maybe, just MAYBE, the talent here in GLCW truly IS the best YOU'VE ever stepped into the ring with.
"Now Hawk... let me get back to my original point. Your problem lies in two areas. One... you seem to think that doing things the RIGHT way, or, as it should be called, the WINNING way, makes you a better person. Because anyone who cheats and doesn't get caught did it the right way. They did the very best they could within the rules. What else do you want? Angels to come down and serenade us?
"But your other problem, Hawk... is that you've closed yourself off to possibilities. You actually think it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to end your career. What makes you so sure, Hawk? What if it's worth it to me to ruin my career to wreck yours? What if I just run you over with a car? A truck? A tank? Will you get back up? Will that 280 POUND FREIGHT TRAIN KEEP FLYIN' DOWN THE TRACKS?!
"Hawk, I'm gonna level with you. I ain't gonna end your career. And I ain't gonna end anyone else's, either. If I did that... not only would I be out of a job, but I'd be out of the very thing which I need. The very thing which fuels my raging addiction every day. I would have no one to hurt... no one to scream out... no one to cry in agony's sweet caress.
"But Hawk.. the underlying principle remains true. Anything... is.... possible. You are not infallible. Neither am I. You could die tomorrow. You could never lose again. We have no way of knowing each man's destiny."
(He stops and puts out his cigarette. He stands up and flips a switch, and he lights click on, loudly, set by set, until the entire arena is filled with light.)
ANARKY: "Golden Hawk... I am not going to hit you with a Louisville Slugger. I am not going to bring the Gentlemen of Dignity with me. Because I won't need them. You see, unlike you, I don't have anything to prove here. I'm not TRYING to be a better person. I have my own goal, which you are incapable of understanding. I seek only The Truth. And I will spread The Truth whether you like it or not.
"And what is The Truth, Hawk? The Truth... is that I am as dangerous as I want to be. I can knock you out with a baseball bat or my bare hands. I can beat you down with the G.O.D. or I can fight you tooth and nail for an hour, scratching and clawing my way to victory.
"You talk a good game, Hawk. But that's all we've seen so far from you. You've been around ten years? <BLEEP> it. Nobody cares. Means nothing now. The past is the past. It ain't gonna help you now. You think that barely losing to Manson makes you unique? Get in line, pal. You guys can start a club. It's called... I Almost Beat Manson Except. You guys just fill in the blank at the end. You don't think I'm tough? You think the myth of the... Kaos Kid is bull<BLEEP>? Well maybe it is and maybe it ain't, but I sure as hell ain't gonna back down 'cause you throw around freight train analogies like it's your job."
(He gets up and walks down the stairs quickly. A few seconds later, he's at the bottom, and he slides into the ring. He paces around for a few moments and then turns back to the camera, grinning wildly.)
ANARKY: "Hawk... I have no fear. I have no dreams, no nightmares. I have no aspirations, and no regrets. I have no hope and no despair. I have no family and no loneliness. I feel nothing until the moment I walk into this ring. The moment when I cam reborn... into something greater. Something vicious. Something real... among the illusions.
"So go ahead and spout off your GOOD AS GOLD... because your catch phrases and Texas accent fall like pebbles upon the mountain that is my disease. And my disease is spreading, one victim at a time.
"Who's next, Hawk? You or me?
"The answer...?
"The answer doesn't matter, Hawk. Just like everything else."