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An Open Letter from The General


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
This is an open letter to both the Dogs of War and the Unholy Alliance.

We were notified today that we are, in fact, number two contenders to the Great Lakes Tag Team Championship. The only two teams standing in our way to achieving our goal of total domination of the tag team scene are the afore mentioned tag teams.

Unholy Alliance, we will get to you in a moment because we have never had the.....pleasure..... of facing you.

Dogs of War, we are no strangers to each other. And in fact, you'll note there is no love lost between us. I don't like either one of you punks. I think you're sub-par wrestling ability is the only thing that might be of substance.

However, there is one fact that I cannot overlook. You did ...win... the top contenders match and you do have the right to face the Unholy Alliance, basically at a time chosen by the GLCW front office.

I wish to point out, however, that your victory was indeed a fluke because you capitalized on a stupid mistake made by one of the members of Major Impact. We're not here to cry over spilt milk because what's in the past is indeed the past.....

Major Impact is looking to the future.

The future is we will one day be the Great Lakes Championship Wrestling tag team champions. PERIOD.

To that end, I have a proposal for Dogs of War and, in fact, the Unholy Alliance. It's one of the most brutal and bloody kind of matches...EVER....and there's only one place a match of this nature can come from. My mind.

It's a three-way dance for the GLCW Tag Team Title.....inside a flaming barbed-wire steel cage with every kind of weapon imaginable inside of the ring. That's right....it's a Cage of Ultimate Death Match.....

The Winners will, of course, walk away with the tag team titles. The match can end only when the other two teams can no longer continue. Submission or surrender are the only two ways the match can end.

Did I mention that careers may be ended.....PERMENANTLY?

I can tell you that Major Impact is ready for a match of this magnitude. We are constantly training for a match of this caliber. That's something that I know neither of you other guys are doing.

I also know that the front office could possibly never sanction a match like this. Although it would certainly be another big draw....watching six men beat the living hell out of each other until one team can't continue......

Did I also mention that I will be the special guest referee?

Oh and one more thing. Starting out with whatever next match Major Impact is involved with, we are adding a new attraction to our ring attire.


Enjoy the present, boys, because Major Impact is knocking on the door of the future, and our future is GLCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS.


The General.

PS. We didn't forget about the Unholy Alliance. When we're done with them, though, the fans certainly will.

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