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Almost Live: GAMMA-O vs. Minion


League Member
Jun 18, 2009
((FADE-IN: The backside of a kneeling man, who stares forward at the dojo wall. The room is blank, save for the Japanese character on the wall: it translates to "MEPHISTO."))

GAMMA-O: There are debuts, and there are epochs. Satans, and Christos. Fausts, and Mephistos. Gods...and Monsters. In every Great Man's life, there comes a time when he must decide: which is he?

My opponent will surely tell us he is a Great Man, otherwise there is no place for him in the ring. I want him, then, to tell me his meaning. Is he a God or a Monster?

No...he is a Minion. Nothing but a follower, a lemming sent to the Apocalypse. He is a bounty hunter in search of the pound of flesh owed to his master. Irrelevant, he is.

And I...?

(Shoulders shake as he subtly laughs)

A dragon is born...

A Mephisto unleashed...

And a God...left for dead.

I am what you think I am...

You've seen the God...now experience the Monster...



League Member
Jun 19, 2009
(fade in: the viewer is met with a familiar yet long since seen image of a grungy apartment complex hallway. The wallpaper on the walls is ripped and colored a dingy brownish color, obviously due to age. The stair case in which the camera is slowly winding up cracked and worse for wear and likely would not meet code if the inspector came to investigate. The camera man finally reaches the desired floor and enters the hallway. Trash littered along the walls. There is little to no privacy as a few rooms have make shift doors while others have no doors at all. The camera man makes his way to one apartment and slowly cracks open the door. What we see now is a dingy apartment with low light and clutter. In the main room a man is sitting in a couch, the single piece of furniture other than a TV in this room, watching wrestling tapes. The camera slow inches in front of the man as he turns up the volume on one specific high light)


(As soon as the last words are muttered the entire screen goes black and we don’t see anything. Not the dingy apartment room or the man in front of the TV screen. When the screen comes back we are in a different apartment room. Much nicer, the absolute opposite of what we just saw. No clutter and proper lighting. The camera pans around and we see a man sitting on a couch in front of a TV screen. The cameraman slowly goes over to him and we see the Minion. He is grinning, but not like he used to this is a friendly grin an inviting grin. Minion slowly gets up and motions for the camera to follow him, which it does as he begins to speak)

Minion: I have come a long way in the last few years from what you all saw. I used to be that sick psychopath, but times they have changed me. It was hard at first, but with a little help, some electro shock, and Minions little helpers (Minion holds up a pill bottle) I have become “balanced”. Before it was with sick twisted pleasure that I would rip the flesh off the face of my opponents and then smile about it as they rolled around on the mat in pain. It was with sick twisted pleasure that I would put my opponent’s ankle in a chair and stomp on it over and over and over again until I heard that soothing sound of it cracking under my weight. I was a man on a mission of self destruction and I loved every minute of it. But times they have changed and now I am what you see today.

(Minion turns around and not much has changed since the last time we saw him. His medium length black hair is still the same. His face partially scarred from the top part of his left eye to his nose from one of his many brutal battles. Minion looks to be in the same physical condition as he was the day he left the wrestling circuit.)

Minion: Even though times have changed and I might be different the opponents I face still have no clue what they are up against. Gamma-O you think I will call myself a “great man.” Hardly, I am trying to reach my salvation and fight those demons which took over my soul all those years ago. I am fighting those demons that tell me to do nasty little things to my opponents. You think a great man hears voices inside his head every night telling him to rip the flesh from your skin or break your arm and then laugh as I break your other arm not caring that you are merely doing this wrestling thing to feed yourself and whatever family you have. No a great man doesn’t think those things and that is how I used to be, but I am on the bath of redemption and salvation for my crimes against man.

(Minion gets some water and pops one of “Minions little helpers” in his mouth and swallows before beginning again.)

Minion: You might think these pills are handicapping me and not unlocking the full deal, but it is for the best and especially you. I, you, and everyone else in the WFW:NE doesn’t want to see the return of the Minion as he once was. What you are going to get at For Almost Live is far more than you can handle and the New ERA in the WFW will see the birth of the new Minion. One who like before is not afraid of taking chance. Like before knows how to get the job done. But unlike before the sadistic twisted urges are gone. No longer do I have the taste for blood, instead that has been replaced with desire and determination to prove that I am a changed person. The skills and drive are still there Gamma-O and my friend that is far more than you will ever want when you step in that ring with me.

(Minion makes his way back to where this interview started and plops down on the couch and begins)

Minion: My place at the table or ring as you call it has well been set where is your place? I don’t see it. I have dealt with people my entire career and I imagine I always will deal with kids like you the rest of my career. That is fine though as I need a little warm up to get me ready for the big dance in Las Vegas and sadly enough you just happen to be in my way. You might think you are monster or a god or whatever you want me to think you are, but you are nothing to me and will always be nothing to me except a mark in the win category and minor speed bump on the road that you hardly slow down for. Monsters are made to be destroyed and I was but a man walking with GODS and killing GODS way before I was killing lowly monsters. Are you beneath me? Do I even dare ask such a question when we all know the answer. It will be your privilege to step in the ring with me and it will be my honor to accept your presence. My road to salvation and redemption for my crimes begins at Almost Live Gamma-O. You nor anyone can or will stop me from this mission. Try if you must, but you will fail and just end up falling from grace.



League Member
Jun 18, 2009
((FADE-IN: Once again with his back to the camera, GAMMA-O is kneeling in front of a sword with some Japanese characters on it, hung on the wall of his dojo))

GAMMA-O: This hero does not prosper. This Monster cannot be destroyed. There is no hope for the kingdom. This fairy tale...does not end well.

For that is the fate you share with the many who have come before you and the countless that shall come after. Correct me if I'm wrong, Minion, but I am supposed to fear you because...you are no longer a dangerous psychopath in the ring? I shall lose because you are...not a great man?

In reality, you have nothing to offer me in the way of a challenge. This has been made clear. Your fate has been written long before you heard my name, before you were even created, because that is how fate works. Fate allowed me to exist, and instructed me to do what is necessary.

I have traveled far and wide, spanning countries, continents, and even time itself to be here...in this moment. You stand in front of me...I smile. I did not come here for you, I came here for someone else, but if you stand in my path you will be destroyed the same as him.

Perhaps you should not show?

No, you should. You'll be made an example of. For you, sadly, this might be the most significant role you ever play in this organization. One day you'll tell your grandchildren about the time you lost to GAMMA-O, and what a privilege it was. Or let me guess...you "can't have grandchildren due to all the extreme battles you were engaged in" etc. etc. Really, who cares about you and your disposition? You don't matter, you won't matter, and as far as I'm concerned you never did.

I am racking my brain, Minion, but there are only so many ways I can tell you that you'll fail. Do you want me to go on? Is this thrilling for you?

Enough. Toying with you bores me, and truthfully you are like a flee on a mangy animal. Remember your place in that ring, Minion. After all, you'll only have to be there for a mere three seconds. After that...you may do what you like with your "desire and determination."

Crimes against Man? Salvation? You shall experience one or the other when you face me; can you guess which?



League Member
Jun 19, 2009
(Fade in: We are outside on a semi busy street. People walk by the camera fast barely noticing the camera crew as they hurry about their busy lives. The camera fixates itself on a man coming out of an apartment building. We can quickly tell that is Minion. As he comes towards the camera he motions for the crew to follow him as he lights up a cig and take a drag and begins.)

Minion: Last time the people saw me outside of an apartment I lived in Babylon, or what I thought was Babylon. The neighborhood in New York was perfect it was my perfect Babylon, I was perfect then, though now I realize how flawed I really was back then. How temptation and my twisted nature retarded my true natural ability to wrestle and be what I am. Though I was successful and good at what I did, I am curious how, with those demons numbed, I will do. The people of Babylon regarded me as their champion. I would go to the ring and for their admiration I would reward them by not just beating my opponents into oblivion, but ripping their flesh and breaking their bones. Times have changed and what you see around you now (camera looks around and the neighborhood is very nice compared to what we remember of Minions “Babylon”) is far from what I used to call Babylon. I am not champion I am merely a warrior now. You call yourself a monster yet I have seen nothing from you that would make you worthy of such a title. As I said before I was fighting GODS not monsters. I was fighting men who were larger than life larger than anything you have seen or will ever seen and I was destroying those GODS. People worshipped the GODS I fought and one by one I systematically decimated them and made them tuck their tails. That was then and this is now and now we all have to wonder what will I do in that ring.

(Minion reaches a park bench and takes a seat. He takes another drag off his slowly dwindling cig and begins).

Minion: You are perhaps right maybe you shouldn’t fear me. But then again you do have think that lust and temptation will bubble up again. Think of it this way an alcoholic who attends those meetings and is told to quit drinking can easily fall off the wagon. What if I fall off the wagon Gamma-O? What if I don’t pop a “Minion’s little helper” and those demons come out. Have you seen what I did to people? Have you seen the damage and pain and misery inflicted upon people? Gamma-O do your F<FCC>ing homework rent some DVDs and lay witness to what you would have been facing or could be facing if I forget to pop a pill. I am not a great man for my actions and my history. I did unspeakable things to people and I laughed and smiled like a cheshire cat as I did them. I failed myself, I failed humanity, and now the road to salvation begins.

(Minion lays back in the park bench, sun beating down on his face and smiles, but that smile quickly fades and we can see in his face a different look. No more smile a grin one like we have never seen before quickly emerges on his face. Minion quickly reaches for “Minion’s little helper” pops and in his mouth and the twisted image on his face slowly disappears. After a few seconds Minion begins.)

Minion: Fate is funny cruel b<fcc>h As Robert Frost once said “two roads diverged”, I am at that cross roads. Having once taken the road that lead to what I was now I have come back to the cross road and there I stand and there I look long into the undergrowth. I am going to take the road that leads elsewhere this time. I control my fate and destiny and sadly for you that does not boil well. Your fate is even crueler. Your fate has lead you to cross paths with me and that is the worst fate of them all. See your debut young pup means nothing to me. Beating you is just another day in the office and no real significance will be attached to it. You are just one of many pawns in my path and as I said before you are nothing but a speed bump on the road to greatness and triumph. My place in that ring is standing over your body as I choke you out. My role in this league is far greater than yours ever will be and young pup know your place at the dinner table and remember children are better seen and not heard.

(Minion slowly gets up and the camera follows him as he talks)

Minion: When all eyes are on me in that ring greatness comes out. When all eyes are on me in that ring regardless of the cheers regardless of the jeers I shine. Gamma-O Almost Live I will give you more than you ever wished you would have gotten from any single competitor in this league. Gamma-O tell your fans on your website, tell your family, tell whomever you damn well want to tell to tape this match because this will be your single greatest moment. This will be your apex in this league and this will be what you tell people as they line up for your autograph at the wannabe Bingo Hall convention. redemption is just a right around the corner for me. Salvation must be had and will be had at any cost. I fell from grace once upon a time I will not do it a second.


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