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AL: 2nd Rnd: Main Event- Manson vs. Shizaki vs. Michaels


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-03 AT 00:13 AM (EST)] I will begin writing the show on March 10th. If you want to send in an angle, send them to PaulNJ21@aol.com

Cut your promos here...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
((FADEIN: Michael Manson in black jeans, a black leather biker jacket, and a t-shirt reading "Do You Have Need of A Messiah?". He isin a dark, undisclosed area backstage, at the studio,or perhaps a warehouse by the docks, yeah that's it. He wield his Jesus Christ pez dispenser as with Excalibur.))

MANSON: The first round was amusing. There I got to beat up someone who was not born, no. He claimed to be a zombie and wasn't that far off since he was really one those aborted fetuses that suvives and grow up. And well, you saw the result. Luckily, I was thee with all my Irish charm to finish the job the abortionists started years ago. Now, Manning is surely back in his lair, AKA his parents' basement, dreaming and plotting a myriad of homoerotic revenge fantasies against me.

My advice? Stay with Magic:The Gathering because you obviously are little more than a drugged-up lamb being herded into a slaughterhouse. I'm just the butcher, the surgeon, and as some know me, the Lord of Light. Now the second round allows me to play one of the most diffcult roles of career, nay my life.

Hamlet? No, though I look forward to one day tackling the melancholy Dane.
The straight man?
The underdog?
Comic relief?
Grizzled veteran?
Vietnam veteran?

No, but it's quite simple when you look at the match-up. Myself against a Japanese, apparently one of the few who doesn't only knows 60 moves to break the other guy's neck and their own in the process, and a bisexual man. While I am not southern, for some odd reason I do own a lot of crosses and gasoline. Yes, because Mike Manson is embracing the role of close-minded bigot for this match-up.

While I do not consider myself one, they too need a representative. Who speaks for Johnny Reb burning his first cross? Who does Little Jimmy with the swatstika tattoo look up to? When the Bible belt switches on their television to view World's Finest Wrestling and sees the multi-national and multi-cultural roster, who do they have to wave the confederate flag in their honor?

That man is me. I embrace the 18-34 male age group in all their ignorance and fully intend on not only being their heo, but their champion,a people's a champion, mind you, much like President Andrew Jackson when he pushed the Native...excuse me..Indians onto their trail of tears.

Because I am a champion of minorities, the most obscure and unheard of....because I am a role model..and to many...a very god...I take his role seiously and intend on folowing this to its logical conclusion? How are we supposed to tour the Carolinas with a Japanese champion anyway? Unless, he wears a mask and we pretend he's really as American as GI Joe with apple pie and an NRA membership.

Yes, because this is also for the sake of WFW..for the Doc Silver's....the Mike McGee's.....and even for the two of you. After all, there is no greater gift than to learn one's own limitations.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
A Commerical

((FOCUS: The SUBWAY logo as the camera opens on a brightly-lit Subway franchise. The camera pans own to a black leg near a pool of blood. JARED lies in it, a ham sandwich crammed in his mouth. The camera pans upward to MICHAEL MANSON eating an Italian BMT.

Along with 2 oatmeal raisin cookies and a large Mountain Dew. He stops and wipes is mouth with a napkin. He opens his sandwhich and looks down on the ham portion.

FADEIN: Pieces of shattered glass on the ham. Manson sighs andstarts picking them out.))

MANSON: Every single time...

((Manson stops, looks around, then places a few pieces of glass back on the sandwich and then resumes eating.))

V/O: WFW Almost Live....a good time for a Subway sandwich.

((Manson is shown, his mouth full and bleeding, slighty smirking.))

V/O: Even the deranged find time for a Subway sandwich.



Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000

(FADEIN to the quiet, humble dojo of Kazuo Shizaki. He sits, his back to the camera, in a cross-legged lotus position. His hands rest on his knees and he faces a large display of organized candles and Japanese symbols.)

KAZUO SHIZAKI: "Michael Manson... God or Jester? That all depends on who you ask, doesn't it, Michael. Once upon a time you used to care... you used to at least try. There was some sense of originality to what you did. The shock of it all. But like your namesake, the joke got a little old, Michael. And nobody has any use for a joke that isn't funny anymore.

"Another day, another time, perhaps I could have used someone like you. But your act wore thin years ago. And much like your predecessor, Doc Silver, you never really had the skills to back it up. Sure, you could cheat. You could come up with some elaborate plan, like Gideon. But what good will it do you? What will it matter once I have you in my sights?

"For you, Manson, one who once relished in pain, I shall bring something startlingly refreshing just for you... a chance to shine. I will allow you to feel every ounce of pain you've ever wanted, and if you are lucky, and I think you might be, a little bit more. Because unlike you, Manson, I didn't waste my time trying to think of clever little things to say. I spent every minute formulating and planning... training and exercising. So that when we meet, I will be a finely tuned instrument of misery... doesn't that sound like something your idol would say, Manson?

"Your black rose is on its way."



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Punchline

((FADEIN: Michael Manson wearing a "Manson is Love" t-shirt and black jeans wile finishing off a Subway sandwich.))

MANSON: Acutally, I really don't know if my idol would say that or not. But the next time I see the Marquis de Sade, I'll be sure to ask him about that. Otherwise, I find that it does not bother me me much that you do not resect nor acknowledge my abilities. After all, you come from a faraway land, a different culture, and over here you've been nothing but a bottom feeder in every promotion you've ever graced.

And to me, it's quite obvious why. With all the anime your people produce I'm amazed you aren't more creative. Your plan is to try to hur me....to maim me....beat me close to death..etc..etc. Yeah, because that's what always works. Saying you are going to hurt and break me...if you were a woman..you'd be turning me on.

But I respect the quality of speaking with actions rather than words. I do, but of course this doesn't save you. This isn't about Pearl Harbor, but let's just pretend it is, all right? Because you can plan...you can formulate....an so can I. There are instruments..there are tools..there are weapons....but always remember, they're just things. It takes someone to use them, to apply. And that is normally me who is probably the most deprived and sadistic person breathing and slicing bread.


I figure it's television.

God Bless America.

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