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Ain't that A Five Letter Word

Damian D Stone

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
"I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress, handfull of anger
Held in my chest
Uphill stuggle, blood , sweat and tears, nothing to gain
Everything to fear..."- Nobody's Listening by Linkin Park

[[I feel...like a tortured soul right now. I don't know whether to turn left or right from the crossroads that I have confronted. I mean...yea, I lost to Sean...so what! You dust yourself off and you go at it again. And since we heard what I knew in my heart would happen, I figure that I would get pushed down the rung of the ladder and onto someone else's life. I do find something funny though...there is always a wild card to every World Title match. There is always someone that will make you realize that everything you think is true and everything that you think is right is about to change...change overnight...over the course of this month...over the course of Bloodbath. But don't deny it folks. Something is going to change. Something is going to happen that will be cold...calculating...and final. It's not that I don't think that things will happen for the better. I just think things are going to happen because...well...they were MEANT to happen. Take for example our friend Holocaust; he held the title for only twelve days and now the most under-appreiated man in the game holds the title...and I applaud him. Now how he got it is still questionable...but still...doing what you must to get what you deserve is something that even I think is good.

But our man Holocaust has declared war on Paul Doom...another legend. Now I refuse to talk...or think...about our hero here...but Doom might have walked into a fight that even myself am distant to get into again. True...I did defeat this man for the title inside the chamber called The House. But to come back...well...and loose to him has opened my eye. I have come to respect the man and the monster underneath the skin he wears. And that is something scary in itself. Doom...I do hope you know what you are doing...and if you don't, God won't have mercy. Hell, I won't save you...and Holocaust will be punching out another legend here in the EUWC.]]


[[Danny...oh Danny, now that you are the World Champion, I do hope that the biggest bulls-eye that has ever been made is now squarely on your back. Now that you know this man...I want you to paint one on your chest...and put the letters DS squarely in the center of it. Is it there? Good. You see, when I want to come back after that belt...and, since you'll be wearing it, I won't be coming from the back like everyone else. I'm coming right at you. There won't be any need for you to duck...no reason for you to stand there and tremble. I know you're not a man who is intimidated. No...but you are a man nevertheless...a man I have outpowered...outlast...and have beat. And now that you realize that I could be coming back at you at Only the Stong...after I destroy twenty others inside that cage, only then will these things dawn on you. Only then will you understand that, while you are the best thing going for this company right now, you are just the next flava of the month.

Keep it warm now Danny. Soon...I'll be showing you all what it means to be the comback kid...and walk out with the strap one more time.

In closing...I'll finish with this...]]

((We hear the chorus of Nobody's Listening))

I tried to give you warning but everyone ignores me
Told you everything loud and clear
But Nobody’s Listening
Called to you so clearly
But you don’t want to hear me
Told you everything loud and clear
But Nobody’s Listening

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