Re: Not Today
(The set-up isn't much different from last time as the camera fades in from black, only now we have the epic choice of "Anvil of Crom" from the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack as accompanying music. ROCKO DAYMON appears in a rather Conan-like state himself, once again seated and staring boldly into the camera. It should also be noted that he's wearing a Seattle Seahawks #25 football jersey.)
Rocko Daymon
...I think I'm Mario...?
(He shakes his head.)
Rocko Daymon
No, Cam, I think you're mistaken. Now, there was a guy in a mask in the indies around here who probably fit that description, but I don't see how video games apply to you and me.
If it's okay with you, can I ask that we not lose ourselves in the metaphors, please? Because frankly, I've got better things to do than to split hairs over the true meaning behind a nickname. It had no bearing at the end of Aggression 75, as I drove you into the ring-side floor courtesy of the Brain Rocker. And in the ring at Aggression 76, regardless of what the fans call me... regardless of whatever you think it says about me, or my ability to compete... it's not going to change what's coming for you.
See... this is exactly what I warned you NOT to do. But once again, in true Cameron Cruise fashion, you're focusing on things that don't matter, trying illogical on false information. Obviously, you can't point to anything that's happened recently as a way of proving I'm lacking in either talent or passion... so instead, you choose to inflate a big matter over something as simple as a name.
Nobody said anything about you having to kill ME to win this match. That's just ridiculous to even suggest...
You're getting all caught up on that word... "Undying"... practically repeating yourself word for word from a few months ago by continuing to draw up this notion that I see myself as indestructible against all odds. But once again, you seriously misjudge the person I am. It's true... on rare occasions, I'll eat the canvas and not get that shoulder up quick enough. Eli Flair proved that back at Aggression 74. But all the same, you of all people should know that well enough by now that I don't make it easy.
You should know as well that it's not the body you need to worry about killing, Cam; it's the pure, raw competitive spirit inside me that refuses to die.
It's that determination to succeed... to prove the doubters wrong... to withstand insurmountable amounts of punishment... to overcome even more insurmountable odds... to keep coming back when everybody thinks I'm over and done... to gain the respect of every person involved in this industry, one blood-soaked match at a time...
That fire inside never smolders out... it never goes away. It doesn't die, and nothing you could ever do will kill it.
I would have thought you would have known this by now, given we're already so well acquainted. But then, you also seem to think the only thing I've done well over the course of my career is "quit", so it's clear to me that even in spite of all of our battles, and the number of times I've dropped your head on the canvas, you still don't know a goddamn thing about me...
That's not good, Cam... especially since you're walking into the most important match of your career, with everything on the line. Wouldn't you want to be sure you had all your P's and Q's covered? Or do you want to mouth off like a jackass for another week, for no other reason than that seems to be what YOU do best?
And let me be clear, I realize that I may not have spent as much time as you in Empire Pro overall, Cam... but then, some cars rack up mileage, and other cars win races. What's important to know is that at any time I've been active in this federation, I've only had one thing on my mind: Winning the World Heavyweight Title. For you, though, this only became a big deal in the past year or so. If you don't see a problem with that, then I'd say you're in need of a serious re-appraisal of who you really are.
It certainly should say a hell of a lot about me that it took me a while to give you the respect you deserved... although perhaps it says more than you understand yourself. What it says to me,though, is that I'm a man of high standards and high expectations... and throughout all those years, while you sat on your hands, building a large career out of small accomplishments, and surrounding yourself with a bunch of glad-handing yes-men, I was putting my life and body on the line every chance I had in an effort to try to win the greatest prize in this sport... the EPW World Heavyweight Title. Sometimes, I fell short... but that was the price I paid for putting my head out there and going for it all.
The real difference between us, Cam, is that I'm not afraid of failure. There's more to being at that level than just having the ability and the confidence. You also have to have the hunger for gold. And you can't be afraid of the consequences, no matter what the cost.
I kept getting put on the shelf over all those years because I ran head-first into every opponent that proved himself an obstacle in my path. And where were you? Sitting back, criticizing my every failure, and hiding from all the real competitors when they were out there in their primes. You spent that time carrying Joey Melton's bags, or goofing around with Jared Wells, or flipping through your rolodex in a desperate effort to add bodies to your hopeless Anthology vanity project.
Like I said, best leaving the past be the past, because the facts don't support you.
But finally, after the Daymons and Stevens slowly faded from the picture, the ever-opportunistic Cameron Cruise was right there to make his long-awaited move. And you made it to that level, and we all give you the credit you deserve... but don't act like everybody else in that locker room is an idiot for not realizing it earlier. You did nothing to earn that recognition, because while the real champions were out there making names for themselves, you were sitting on the outside looking in.
The true kings of nature are apex predators... but all you are, Cam, based on your history, is a scavenger.
Let me be honest, though... I credit you for finally finding that hunger and finally becoming a quality athlete. I'm just saying, I think it's sad that it had to take having the EPW World Heavyweight Title being robbed from you to finally figure it out.
Regardless as to whether you respect me or not, I'm still going into that ring, and giving you the fight of my life. It doesn't matter to me if you think you deserve that opportunity to move on to Wrestleverse V more than I do; you don't deserve anything unless you prove you can take whatever it is you want in that ring.
And if you think there isn't anything left for you to prove... then you're walking into this under a dangerous mindset, Cam. You've still got plenty to prove... and the more you continue to underestimate the competitor I am at this point in my career, the more you set yourself up for a titanic failure of your own. Further proving my point that Cameron Cruise is his own worst enemy.
When you're ready to pull your head out of your ass and tell me something worthwhile, I'll be right here, waiting...
(The shot slowly fades to out as Daymon lowers his head, and we go to black.)