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AGGRESSION 72: Malcolm Joseph-Jones v. Larry Tact


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
(The camera opens to a Gold’s Gym in the middle of the night. Only a few lights are on here and there – the place seems almost completely deserted. Malcolm Joseph-Jones faces a wall-sized mirror with a barbell across his shoulders, nearly bending in half from the weights on each end. Malcolm’s face is a warbled mess of anger and sweat as he finishes a set of squats. He drops the weight to the ground with a loud CLANG as he notices the camera.)

MJ2: “It seems like you all want me to fail, but I’m not goin’ back. I’m not goin’ BACK.


I’m not goin’ back to that world I came from, where my work and my talent gets roadblocked because of any damn excuses. I don’t want to hear any bullshit – Cameron Cruise did NOT deserve to win that goddamn match. I know it, he knows it, the whole damn WORLD better know it, and anyone who disagrees with that better have the balls to come up and say it to my FACE before I knock it offa them. It’s the same bullshit that Cruise always loves to hang his hat on – First ALLOWS Cruise to pin him with a backslide so he can become a three-time champ, then Cruise gets LUCKY with some bullshit roll-up and throws his arms up like it’s the damn Super Bowl and he’s some sort of Grand Zen Master Of The Art Of Artful Wrestling Art.

And where’s he now?? A #1 Contender Match for the Heavyweight Championship.


(Malcolm picks the barbell back up and does another set of squats before slamming it down to another CLANG that echoes throughout the empty room.)

MJ2: “You can bet your LIFE that I won’t get rolled up like that again. I’m not going to sit here and allow my talents to get overlooked and shoved aside because some asshole doesn’t have what it takes to GO with me. It’s a mothafuckin’ WASTE to see Cruise in a spot that I should be in. Cruise Nation can go ahead and suck my World’s Longest Tag Team…” (Malcolm grabs his crotch.) “…and get out of my life.”

(Malcolm goes over to the heavy punching bag and throws clubbing body shots into it, non-stop punching as he continues to speak.)

MJ2: “So guess what, Larry Tact? Guess where your poor sorry ass found itself? The main event of a little show called the MJ2 Ass Kickin’ EXHIBITION. You need to understand something right here and now – I’m better than you, I’m hungrier than you, I’m more MOTIVATED than you, I’m more PISSED OFF than you, and right now, in this exact moment?

I’m the most violently dangerous motherfucker on the goddamned EARTH!”

(MJ2 takes a step back, lets out a primal and gutteral yell, and spear tackles the heavy bag, ripping it clear off the chains it was previously suspended to from the ceiling. Not done, he picks up the bag and throws it as hard as he can, knocking down a nearby water cooler, spilling its contents on the floor. The cameraman begins to back up, slowly at first, then with increased urgency as Malcolm gives the camera a look filled with pure hatred. He screams out.)

MJ2: “Motherfucker, I am sending an AVALANCHE your way! AGGRESSION 72 is just the BEGINNING of what I'm going to do to the entire damn ROSTER! DO YOU HEAR ME??”

(The cameraman no longer attempts to focus the lens on Malcolm, instead opting to lower the camera and run quickly out of the gym. Cut to black.)

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