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Danny Collins

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
(The scene opens backstage in the Toronto SkyDome, and more importantly, the Team Collins dressing room. John Turbank is pacing around with a huge grin on his face, while Donny is laying back with a towel on his face, and over in the far corner, Cheryl Cassidy and Nick Casey sit talking amongst themselves.)

John Turbank: Where the hell is he? His match finnished ages ago, hell the damn show finnished an hour ago!

Donny Collins: He has gone to see the docter, how many times do I have to tell you?

John Turbank: it takes this damn long?

Donny Collins: Just sit your complaining ass down, if I didn't have a headache before, your giving me one now!

(John sits on a chair.)

Cheryl Cassidy: Hey John, now that STEALTH has to leave, what happens to the Director of Authority position?

John Turbank: I don't know, but I'm sure he'll be replaced.

Cheryl Cassidy: Well, who is his successor, they can't be any worse then he was.

Nick Casey: Yeah, thats a point.

(Suddenly, the door creaks open and Danny Collins walks through the door.)

John Turbank: YES!!!

Nick Casey: DAN!

Cheryl Cassidy: Hey babe!

Donny Collins: hey bruv....

(Danny looks at his team with a smile on his face, before a beaming Cheryl Cassidy comes over and gives him a kiss.)

Cheryl Cassidy: How ya feeling?

Danny Collins: Well, my shoulder hurts, but the doc said I should be ok to wrestle as soon as next week.

Cheryl Cassidy: Good.

John Turbank: So Dan, did you see Pickstock on your travels?

Danny Collins: No, why?

John Turbank: Why? Dam, you just beat STEALTH, if that doesn't get you a shot at Holocaust and the World title, I don't know what will.

Danny Collins: Well, DDS will get a rematch, hes the former champ.

John Turbank: No, DDS wants to get his hands on Sean Taylor and the International title now.

Danny Collins: Really? Well, I want a shot, but I am sure I won't just get it like that.

John Turbank: WHAT?! You won the shot a few months back, but then DDS got involved, remember, you still deserve a fair one on one contest with Holocaust for that belt.

Danny Collins: I guess you have apoint, but don't worry, if my case is as strong as you say, then we'll get the shot, no matter what, I don't have to run to Pickstock right away.

John Turbank: Ok, you got a point, you can ring him tommorow.

(Danny rolls his eyes, and we hear a knock at the door.)

Danny Collins: I wonder who this is?

John Turbak: Maybe its Pickstock!

Donny Collins: JOHN! SHUT UP!

(Danny laughs as John shoots a look at Donny. Danny then opens the door, to reveal Vincent Pastore outside, with a mic in hand.)

Danny Collins: Oh, hey Vincent.

Vincent Pastore: Hello Dan, do you mind if I get a few words with you?

Danny Collins: Just a couple, I'm in pain and I want to relax.

Vincent Pastore: Ok. First off, congratulations on the win, it was a huge one, STEALTH has to leave, and you have finnally cured what you called, "The Virus", how do you feel?

Danny Collins: Well, as I said, I am in pain, but I feel great, STEALTH has finnally been taught his lesson, and his damn ego was exactly what I said it was, his downfall.

Vincent Pastore: After a great match tonight, do you think you will enter the Chad Dupree tournament?

Danny Collins: That's easy, of course, I am going to be in the tournament.

Vincent Pastore: And finnally, whats next?

Danny Collins: Whatever comes up. Hopefully a shot at the World Championship, but I will go with the flow, allthoguht I must say, with Holocaust as champion again, I think that there is only one person to stop him, ME! And you know this, man.

(Danny smiles at Vincent.)

Vincent Pastore: Well, thanks Dan.

Danny Collins: No problem.

(Danny shuts the door and turns around.)

Danny Collins: Allright, lets celebrate!

Team Collins: YEAH!

Donny Collins: (painfully) wooo....

(The scene fades...)

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