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A fart in the Windham...


League Member
Nov 20, 2003
Fade to the shot of John Miller, walking along the streets of London. Dressed in a simple casual outfit, he fights off the cold for this time being. As John speaks, we can see his breath in the air.

Miller: Windham, I don't know you, and you sure as hell don't wanna know me. What's this I hear you're talkin' some trash?

Miller raises an eyebrow.

Miller: You wanna say this (beep) to my face? Howabout come Battleground, you and I have a little meeting. Your acts of speaking out are no doubt a desperate plea for attention... so here ya' go, you got it. Want to come down to that ring after I finish Smallz off? We can just as easily go at it then. Wanna' meet me BEFORE I take on Boogie? That's fine by me.

Miller looks down and laughs slightly.

Miller: You claiming you're a champion is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. First off... you wrestle in a place that holds a show... oooohhh... about once a year. That's a great achievement, Windham... almost worthy of some appreciation. Sorry to say though... you won't get it from me.

See, I don't give a (beep) about what you've done elsewhere. I don't care if you think you're God's gift to wrestling. All I care about is that you're running around here talking (beep) about me and my company. You wanna go? We'll go. You wanna throw down? We'll throw down.

Boogie Smallz needs an attitude adjustment, and so do you. After I smack the living crap out of ya', you can go back to your little (beep)hole of CSWA and tell 'em there's a message from GXW. The only thing CSWA ever did right was put the strap on someone from Global Xtreme Wrestling.

John pulls out a cigarette and lights it up.

Miller: Is it just me or does it seem like you've fallen a little far from your home, Dorothy? We don't operate like CSWA here... when you make a challenge and call someone out... you better damn well expect them to do something about it in the next century. You've been afforded the luxury to come in and be a part of a GXW show, Troy... probably the luckiest break you'll ever have. But you are in no way a part of this place, nor do you have the right to act like you actually MEAN something here. What you are is (beep), and that's the bottom line. Just a fart in the wind, Troy...

You got somethin' else to say? Do it in the ring, buttercup, and quit bein' a b*tch.

Miller casually walks out of the view of the camera as we fade to black.
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