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#1 Contender's Match: Insurgent v Cruise

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Re: Insurgent v Cruise - #1 Contender's TV -

(FADEIN: THE INSURGENT watching FOX NEWS, as the various talking heads of HANNITY, COULTER, and HUME appear on the screen before he turns it off in disgust.)

INSURGENT: "TV Title, screw TV, all it is currently is a bunch of multi billion dollar companies telling you about the liberal boogey man and how he's out to screw you...While they themselves brainwash you into buying their products, to give them even more money."

"I have no interest in winning anything that has to do with this crap and I have no interest in you Cruise...So to make things simple, I'm going to hit that ring and get DQ'ed...I'll beat you silly with a chair and leave...It's over between us...And after this I want NOTHING to do with you...EVER AGAIN!" (FADEOUT)

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