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    Blood Bath Aftermath

    (As the camera pans, the scene is a famileriar one for EUWC fans, its the old-fashioned wrestling school, made famous by "All Business" Eric McRae, we see young wrestlers honing their craft on wrestling mats in the foreground, weights in the background, a large trophy case in the back left and a...
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    Wow...I am really dumb

    Wow...Donny Hall? Where the **** did I pull that one out of? I really have got to read through my posts before I post them...what a moron.
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    Oops (Im an idiot)

    COLLINS YOU BASTARD...jk, I realized that goof with the match thing and edited my post yesterday, I was hoping you didn't catch it, but oh well. Chris
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    You screwed me, I screwed you...

    (Camera pans in to see Eric McRae walking down a city street, with passersby giving no recognition to the man, cars honking in the streets, with traffic backed along the side of the camera shot...McRae looks up as if surprised by the camera and begins to speak...) You know I'm walking down the...
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    Donny Collins

    (Camera pans in to a familiar scene, an old-fashioned wrestling gym, complete with old mats, weights, and young wrestlers working out, "All Business" Eric McRae is standing by the side of a mat, watching two others wrestle, turns to the camera, and begins to speak in his harsh Texas-drawl)...
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    Sorry guys

    Sorry guys, didn't get a promo in time, I had the dates wrong, good to see that McRae got his ass kicked in the first match, I have a decent idea for my next promo, so I just need to know when that is due next and then All Business will be back in business...pardon the pun. thanks, chris hohmann

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