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  1. Wone

    aWa seeks member federations

    The Apex Wrestling Alliance is currently looking to add member federations. The aWa which opened recently has signed one regional fed by the name of Wrestling Midwest (WMW). The WMW is the first of what the aWa hopes will be four member federations. The aWa is currently targeting indy feds and...
  2. Wone

    STRIFE striving for more members

    We are going to be a "participation" fed. What that means is that we do not plan to decide every single match on a week to week basis on roleplaying abilities. We are going to strive to create well thought out and interesting angles and feuds between characters. PPVs and feud endings will be...
  3. Wone

    STRIFE Chapter 2

    STRIFE Night Two: Once again under the little big top we got to see STRIFE live in action at the Elmo's fair. Price was once again free and Erik Matthews was very pleased with the showing to say the least. T-Shirts were on sale for only 12.99 and the crowd was eager to see what kind of show...
  4. Wone

    STRIFE Chapter 1

    With enough money secured to purchase the materials needed to actually put on a wrestling show; Erik Matthews has done just that. The venue was a very small fair. The Elmo's fair was the home of the very first STRIFE event of the 2008 calendar year. Who competed? Well that was in question...
  5. Wone

    STRIFE Opens To The Public

    Over the past few weeks there has been talk about a new wrestling organization cropping up in the North Eastern United States. Today that rumor has become reality. The STRIFE Wrestling company has officially gone public. What does that mean? Well that means that owner and operator Eric...
  6. Wone

    My second poser

    Here is another one that is actually wearing wrestling attire. Let me know what you think about it.
  7. Wone

    My first poser

    Okay, this is my first poser in well...the first one that I have ever done actually. The last one that I did was so long ago that I don't even remember it. So here it is, let me know what you think. I'm moving on to the next character, but I will more then likely revisit this one so any feedback...

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