(No music....no fancy garb....fade straight into the Sheik's face....)
Sheik:Did I strike a chord??? I see your little sad face on my last Sheikspeak and I pray the whole WFW also shall see it.... and know the truth.... the TRUTH that CANNOT be denied any longer....The TRUTH behind it...
(As "Black Sabbath' by Black Sabbath Fades in The Noble Sheik's face comes into view)
Sheik:Oh I am certain you are all mystified if not a bit relieved of my absence lately....but the results speak for themseves....I show you RED....you all turn GREEN....merry chrismahanakwanzika to you... as if...
(Cut-to:At Almost Live.The evening is winding down.After the official sign off from the air,chaos reigns in back.A group of security guards are desprately holding a locker room door closed.An unintelligeble voice rings over a two-way radio....)
Vox:"Ok....they're gone....let him out"
(Format: 30 second promo commercial)
(From a black screen a bell tolls quietly in background.After 3rd toll a louder,minor keyed bell tolls once with each caption)
Caption: 10 years ago.... (Red letters on Black Background)
Video: a montage of current events circa early 90's
Vox: 10 years...
I feel like I'm in a confesional reading some of you guys' posts but I think I have a lot of ya beat....It's been over 10 years since I've done any RP in wrassling but I got my start on Prodigy with PaulNJ21 in the old NGEN. I don't like to brag
much but heeldom in RP-land owes alot to The Noble...
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