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Search results

  1. Dan

    What Video Games are You Playing?

    Hell, I'm still trying to find an MMO that will fill the void City of Heroes left behind. With that in mind, there are COH rogue servers that recently popped up and all I need is a mouse I'm too cheap to buy in order to play it comfortably. If anyone is interested in an old ass superhero game...
  2. Dan

    What Video Games are You Playing?

    What's everyone's current poison? My current line-up is: Among Us Streets of Rage 4 Final Fantasy (I'm currently playing ... way too many at once and completing nothing) Dauntless Every so often I fire up the NES/SNES/Genesis classics on Switch
  3. Dan


  4. Dan

    Testing New Forums and Discord Integration

    Doing well, glad to see FW.com up and running again! Just need some new feds!
  5. Dan

    Testing New Forums and Discord Integration

    Very cool, Godfather.
  6. Dan

    RIP Sean Williams (Seymour Almasy)

    Dusty tried posting this a few days ago and for some reason it didn't allow anyone to open it, so I'm reposting for all those who knew Sean. On April 29th Sean passed away. I don't know the cause but I have a link to his obituary that provides a little more information...
  7. Dan

    What is CLUB?

    In the seedy underbelly of upper class society lies The CLUB. In stark contrast to outward appearances but perfectly in line with the addiction many of the super wealthy have with the need to feel superior to the common man, CLUB exists so that the upper echelon can satiate their greed and their...
  8. Dan

    Searching Legacy of Champions on EWTorch

    Just out of curiosity, I did a search for Legacy of Champions on EWTorch and got some pretty cool results ... from 2009. :p At some point I'll get all the old shows added to the site. The new site. Not the "gahbage town dumpster fire" Wix site, as Lindz would say...
  9. Dan

    Dave Tyrrell and EWI-Online: A History of Shithead Moves

    Since he keeps deleting my responses on his own site, let's leave one here where I'm an admin and he can't do anything to stop me from revealing the truth about who this guy really is. It seems he's once again waited out the shit storm and returned when most people have again forgotten about...
  10. Dan

    LoC: Applications Open

    Hey All, LoC's currently looking for tag teams and female wrestlers to fill out our Team and Bombshells divisions. If you're interested, copy and paste the following into a PM to me here. ------------------------------------- Your Name: Contact Info: Age: eW Experience (Years in the game...
  11. Dan

    Pick a Theme Song for Someone Else

    Theme music is crucial to a pro wrestler. It's supposed to sell them before they even get into the ring and grab a microphone to sell themselves. If you could pick a theme for someone who would it be and what song?
  12. Dan

    LoC: Help Wanted, Inquire Within

    You read that subject and thought I was going to be all professional about this ... boobs. Here's the deal. The Legacy of Champions is returning in the near future and we need to round out our ranks. As it stands I'm looking to pick up a total of about 15 handlers for this run. There will be...
  13. Dan

    jOlt is Looking for 3 Tag Teams

    Hey guys, Just like the subject says, jOlt's looking for 3 tag teams to round out an upcoming tournament that consists of only new and returning characters. The tournament will run as it's own show separate from iNtense and Warriors, and I will be overseeing the entire thing. Now, before you...
  14. Dan

    jOlt Looking for Handlers

    Indeed we are. We're about to close out an arc with the All or Nothing PPV and we could use some new blood to fill out the roster. If you're interested, just shoot me a PM including the app below and we'll go from there. Easy, right? jOlt's an angle fed, by the way. http://joltwrestling.com...
  15. Dan


    I feel like revoking my endorsement now that you aren't using the logo in the top navigation I spent nearly fifteen whole minutes on!
  16. Dan

    Violence! 51 is LIVE!

    *Disclaimer* - This is a double post from the LoC Marks forum because ... it feels right. That's the best excuse I could think of, so BACK OFF! ----------- Well, it's not live. I pretty much just lied to you about that part. It is up now, though, and after going through a bunch of changes and...
  17. Dan

    Welcome (and notes on access)

    Awesome, I've got the guys making their ways over here now. And, since I got all excited about the move, I made us a new logo for it. Would you be a gem and replace the old one, sir? I promise not to bother you with it again.
  18. Dan

    Looking for Artists

    I don't know how much of a response I'll get for this in FW, but it couldn't hurt to toss a line out. There's bound to be other out of work artists out here. ;) I'm looking for illlustrators and digital colorists to work with a group of writers on a variety of comic book projects, although...
  19. Dan

    LoC Opening Applications

    ::LoC is Angle Based:: I thought I'd just give everybody a heads up. LoC is going to undergo a little bit of an overhaul within the next few weeks and that's going to give us a few roster spots so we're going to be opening up applications from September 24th - 30th. Anyone who wants to apply...
  20. Dan

    Heroes Are Not Born...Heroes Are Made

    I'm going to put all my rps in this thread because they're a series and I'm all anal like that. Gregg, be nice or I'll kick you in the nuts.

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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