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Search results

  1. Evil James

    "Dangerous" Duke Mackey

    NLW Singles Bio Name: "Dangerous" Duke Mackey Height: 6'6 Weight: 280 lbs. Hails From: Staten Island, NY Music: "Keep Away" by Godsmack Physical Appearance: Big, brutish man. Short brown hair, blue eyes, and a grizzled face. Has some scars on his body from bar fights but only two are...
  2. Evil James

    Vargahammer, Part 1: Love, Death, and the Bermuda Triangle

    “The luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds true love.” -Count Dracula, ‘Bram Stoker’s Dracula’ (1992) 10/03/2009 Elks Lodge West Springfield, MA The drive from Logan Airport has been a longer one than I expected. Luckily Rappin‘ Rick Malloy from SCCW is driving the car...
  3. Evil James

    Vargahammer: Prologue

    “ly·ing2 (lī'ĭng) v. Present participle of lie2. adj. Disposed to or characterized by untruth: a lying witness.” - Definition of Lying, Answers.com September 27, 2009 Night. For weeks I’ve been trying to prepare myself for the biggest tournament of my life. However, everything has not gone...
  4. Evil James

    Varga Bio (UPDATED)

    Note: Updated the bio. You can delete the old one if you wish so they don't get mixed up. :) MEMBER INFORMATION: Name: James Varga Email Address: thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger: koopatroopa1983 - AIM Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline...
  5. Evil James

    Biff Busey on SCCW Sin on Spike?!

    Backstage, Ash Plato is getting ready by warming up in the hallway when a large man with blonde hair and is wearing a suit. He is flanked by another man with short blonde hair who is also in a suit. They walk over to him, smiling as they stop in front of him. Ash just gives them a look. No...
  6. Evil James

    Normal Human Beings

    MEMBER INFORMATION: Name(s): James Varga Email Address(es): thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger (both if two-handler team): AIM - koopatroopa1983 Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) All of the above Best Way to Contact: (PM/Email/IM)...
  7. Evil James

    "The Ultimate High School Jock" Biff Busey

    MEMBER INFORMATION: Name: James Varga Email Address: thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger: AIM - koopatroopa1983 Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) All of the above Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) All of the above WRESTLER...
  8. Evil James

    The One in which Varga committs the Cardinal Sin of NFW

    Fade in to a scroll message... COMING THIS SUMMER TO NFW... "THE ULTIMATE HIGH SCHOOL JOCK" BIFF BUSEY!!! Just then the screen fades in to a huge guy with blonde hair. The man looks like a cross of Biff Tannen from the "Back to the Future" film trilogy and actor Gary Busey. The man is...
  9. Evil James


    Well this sucks to do but I'm going to have to leave NFW. I'm going to be doing 9 hours of practicum work a week after my substitute teaching job as well as having to read a TON (well, a hundred) books this semester for my other college class as well as two or three projects for it. So I won't...
  10. Evil James

    Gauntlet VI - Money in the Gauntlet Qualifying Matches

    Money in the Gauntlet Match Competitors TBD Simple scenario: Yet another Gauntlet round but this one will have a ladder match in it. All you have to do is climb the ladder and get the briefcase. Simple? Sounds like it. However you forgot about the 9 other wrestlers in the match who want it as...
  11. Evil James


    Ok, this round is different than any Gauntlet in history. Ready? Gauntlet III is SPAM Round! That's right. Best spam wins. I'm looking for inventiveness and amusement of said spam. No porno ****. You post porn on here you get permabanned. Got it? Good. Quantity and quality will count...
  12. Evil James

    MAJOR EWMANIA Gauntlet and Event News

    The big news.... EWMANIA I: You want on the card for this? Start making challenges now so I can create some trash talk and hype threads for each match. Stips are welcomed and definetly allowed. This event will take place the last week of March so the more hype the better. Everyone will get a...
  13. Evil James

    EWMANIA Holiday 2 Week Trash Talk Extravaganza~!

    Who's facing off? Simple, its... EVERYONE vs. EVERYONE ELSE! All IC, you can talk ****/crap/smack about everyone else, someone in particular, or whomever makes the mistake of posting in this thread. Two weeks, create chaos. Destroy! Maim! Kill! Make your adversaries cry! BEGIN! Link...
  14. Evil James

    EWMANIA Gauntlet Challenge I

    First Gauntlet Challenge: That's right! The first open challenge match of DEATH is here! And just in time for Christmas. HO! HO! HO! The premise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIIMo05E3s8 The thousand year bet is up. Santa is no longer good and has turned back to his old evil ways! Your...
  15. Evil James

    Church of the Unholy II

    MEMBER INFORMATION: Name(s): James Varga Email Address(es): thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger (both if two-handler team): AIM - koopatroopa1983 Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) All of the above Best Way to Contact: (PM/Email/IM)...
  16. Evil James

    Obama and McCain know Joe the Plumber?

    They're talking about Joe the Plumber right now, lol. Quite amusing. :D
  17. Evil James

    The Church is Back!

    Yeah, the Church of the Unholy is back. Just me this time for now. And I'm insane. That is all. ---- MEMBER INFORMATION: Name(s): James Varga Email Address(es): thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger (both if two-handler team): AIM - mysticmoose07 Preferred Method of Handling...
  18. Evil James

    Koopa Troopa

    MEMBER INFORMATION: Name: James Varga Email Address: thechamberednautilus@hotmail.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger: AIM - mysticmoose07 Preferred Method of Handling: (FW Promo, Freestyle RP, Angle/Storyline, Hybrid) Any Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) All of the above WRESTLER INFORMATION...
  19. Evil James

    Kill the Koopa in Charlotte

    2 hours later... [Amber has left and James is alone in his house. He's in the bedroom about to head out when all of sudden his Nintendo Wii starts up and the television turns on. Varga turns around and looks a bit bewildered.] Varga: What the hell is this? The poltergeist? [Suddenly Mario...
  20. Evil James

    Two Reasons to Smile

    I can barely contain my excitement. I’m tired and sore, battered and bruised, but in the end, I pulled off one of the biggest nights of my career. In a matter of less than an hour, I won the TEAM Lethal Lottery Tag Team Championship with Otaku and then pulled off a doubleheader by winning the...

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