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Recent content by Lord_Alucard

  1. Lord_Alucard

    Heya all!

    Hi guys, and gals, if there are any... (are there any?) (No seriously, are there?) Anyways, I'm Ali... you might (not) know me from my previous stints in the EUWC as Lord Alucard, Nero or Lynch Garrison. Just wanted to drop in and say its been a while since EUWC folded, so I'm getting back...
  2. Lord_Alucard

    The League Of Extraordinary Wrestlers

    Hey guys. Hope everyone's been doing fine. If you've already guessed, I've recently watched the movie "LXG." This was just a small inspiration to this fun-fiction with certain EUWC Superstars and when an idea starts playing in my head, I just go ahead and do it, no matter how ridiculous it may...
  3. Lord_Alucard

    Blood Bath Wallpaper

    Hey guys. Since Blood Bath is still pending, I thought I take some spare time and put this up for all of you to see. It's the Blood Bath wallpaper highlighting the double title bout. If I have the time, I'll put up one for the BB match itself, but for now, enjoy this.
  4. Lord_Alucard

    Sad News

    On Monday, September 13 2004, at 4:30 PM PST, my father and TV Producer Mr. Muhammad Bakhsh Samejo left our mortal world and is now in his eternal resting place. May his soul be happy and in heaven and in peace. I had no idea how great he was but when so many people came to pray for him and his...

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