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Recent content by JIrish780

  1. J

    My apologies

    Sorry getting a promo up took so long. Things have been so disjointed for me personally and technically (computer issues galore) I haven't been keeping up as well as I'd like. With a little luck, this should be the end of that. Again, mea culpa.
  2. J

    Oh, for heaven's sakes!

    I am SO, SO sorry to Josh and Mr. Guy-Who-Handles-Blitz-and-Leonard Johnson for the no-show. I just completely flaked out for no good reason. This will NOT happen again. Dave, job me out in the most embarrasing way you can think of. It's part of the bargain, afterall.
  3. J

    Uh... okay?

    Alright, I'll get right to the point. From the looks of the card order, I, an EPW newcomer, am in what appears to be the Main Event. This was not in any way, shape or form my idea. I'm rather painfully aware of the bad rep A1E has. And the last thing I want to do is look like I'm being...

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