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Recent content by Danny Collins

  1. D

    Calling all TEW Players!!!

    Hey how many people play TEW, I have had the game for about a month now, and I love it, I was a massive fan of EWR. Just wondering how many people played it, oh, and if anybody had a EUWC Scenario? Dan.
  2. D

    Renovations... (Family Business pt.3)

    (The scene opens inside a large building, only a few things are in the area, a bar, some chairs, and an old table. The camera pans around to see some builders looking over plans on the wall.) Voice: Welcome to my hall. (The camera turns around and we "The Definitive" Danny Collins standing at...
  3. D

    The Start of something new.... (Family Business pt.2)

    (The scene opens in the Team Collins limo, where Danny and Donny Collins sit along with Cheryl Cassidy. Donny is watching out the windows, excited about something.) Danny Collins: Don, calm down. Donny Collins: I hate suprises man, seriously, I can't stand them. Danny Collins: Well, this one...
  4. D

    London Calling.... AGAIN!! (Family business pt.1.)

    (The scene opens in the Tokyo hotel that Team Collins is staying at. The camera focuses on two figures a short way away from us, one being Donny Collins, and the other being Nick Casey. The camera pans in as Donny watches a promo by Eric McRae.) Donny Collins: Ok, I think this guys on crack...
  5. D

    The Dream becomes a Reality.

    (The scene opens in the Collins mansion, in the upstairs living room. As the camera pans around, a large amount of confetti and balloons surround the area, along with many empty bottles and glasses. As the camera pans further along, we see the fireplace burning, and a figure sitting on the couch...
  6. D


    (The scene opens backstage in the Toronto SkyDome, and more importantly, the Team Collins dressing room. John Turbank is pacing around with a huge grin on his face, while Donny is laying back with a towel on his face, and over in the far corner, Cheryl Cassidy and Nick Casey sit talking amongst...
  7. D

    Hi, Hello, How ya doin', and all the other ones.....

    Hey there, Danny Collins here from EUWC, just a little message to say hi to all you guys. You probably have no clue who I am, but you soon will, hopefully. Anyway, just a hello to everyone, and ummmm, see you around! Dan.

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