Bourne's Menu

The fans erupt in cheers as Bournes music intro starts to play over the PA System. Once the intro finishes and the main music kicks in, Bourne steps out onto the stage with his arms in the air and his back to the crowd. He turns around with a huge smile on his face. He begins to walk down to the ring.

Commentator - Welcome everyone, and what a way to kick things off. Bourne the self-acclaimed speaker of the WWCF is on his way to what I presume to reply to Triple H's rant earlier in the week.

Commentator 2 - Indeed we are, I also hope Boune knows what he is doing. I mean look at him stepping into the ring with a big smile on his face. Who does he think he is?

Commentator - I think he is ready to give the fight of his life.

By this point Bourne is in the ring, he nods his head at the ring announcer as he passes Bourne the microphone. The fans quieten down as the music fades out.

Bourne - Before we get started I would like to make an apology to Randy.... I basically got confused on who I was fighting this week, as it turns out I am fighting somebody called Richy. Not that it matters to me... I stand by what I said. Hell you can put Randy in our match this week, he would still be walking out of this ring like he needs a shit and there is no toilets avaliable.

The fans start laughing as Bourne continues to speak.

Bourne - So because I get on to Mr Tense Triple H himself, let me send a message to the Silent Bob himself Richy.... infact hold on.

Bourne reaches into his pocket and pulls out a book. He Holds the book up in his face and the camera zooms in on it. The Book is titled "The Unauthorized Book of Triple H's 101 Ways to tell someone you are going to kick some ass"

Bourne - Ahh here it is... number 36 ... Ahem...

Bourne does a really bad impression of Triple H's voice while speaking

Bourne - I am the Game.... and I am going to kick your.....

Bourne looks at the book again before facing the crowd

Bourne - ASS!!

The crowd howl with laughter.... more of the bad Triple H impression than the actual line.

Bourne - See the thing is.... the ironic thing is that the Rookie called Bourne is the one that Triple H has now turned his attention to. In my opinion in the matter of a few words spoken by me, a long boring rant by Triple H, Richy has now become the person most likely to be pinned two minutes into the match. See this is the way I see it. Triple H has nothing to lose, I mean lets face it... If he beats me, I shall be just another notch on his Ringpost, but if I win... because of my new name Knighted by Sir Triple H himself, the Rookie will make Triple H the laughing stock of the WWCF. Which basically turns around what I just said. Triple H will have everything to lose....  he will be poked fun at by the recently fired Yoshi Lee. Chase Campbell will be chasing his tail like a little puppy in excitement. Every wrestler in the locker room will laugh at him as he walks past them. Triple H this really should be more important than any of 20 title matchs you had. This match could very well break your career!

Bourne looks around the fans

Bourne - You talk about how you are a self made millionaire by beating stiffs like me very week. I can respect that. I mean seriously, I have lots of respect for you. I mean you got "stiff" for Chyna back in the day did you not? That makes me question a lot of things about you Triple H that is not suitable for televison.

The crowd are laughing in the background. Bourne of course trying to hold a serious face but making it obvious he likes his own material.

Bourne - Let me not get into that. I do apoligise. That is like you said... all in the past. Just like you getting squashed by the Ultimate Warrior, just like when Julia Easter pinned you with a Roll-Up. OH GOD, DID BOURNE JUST USE SOME WWCF HISTORY! You see Triple H, I don't mind you calling me a rookie. It kind of flatters me if I am quite honest. Hell I don't midn you slating the fact I was celebrating a DQ win. When if you watched the match yourself I was going to win quite easy myself anyway....

Bourne looks at the crowd once again.

Bourne - BUT, for you to be too lazy to find out who exactly I am. That gets to me. I mean back in the day when I was in an Organisation called the CWR, I was there winning a few titles here and there... not that I feel the need to count them like you, just incase you are wondering why there isn't a long list. I was beating the self proclaimed Legends who were listed in the Hall of Fame there. I am not bigging myself up... I lost some also, usually due to interference... but nethertheless I was a man to beat. That closed down and I took a few months off to give myself a deserved rest from the traveling and hotels, now I am here in WWCF. I think you ought to do your research Trips. I mean if I didn't know you and I was just judging you by the look of you... I would have said you are a cocaine taking, Steriod injecting, big nosed schmuck that has his nose so far up Hogans ass that its making his Replaced Hips shudder. But obviously I am not one to judge.

Bourne is getting a nice reaction from the crowd as he continues

Bourne - And lets face it... what is your finisher? The Pedigree? I am hoping that isn't a move named after finding out Chynas Pedigree. I mean seriouly dude you could get locked up for being invovled in Interspecies Erotica...

Just then the lights go out. And on the Video Screen, a music video starts to play

The Lights come back on as the fans are cheering knowing that CHYNA is on her way out... No sign of her yet though. Bourne is wondering up and down the ring. Then out of the Main Entrance... a MIDGET CHYNA walks out and down to the ring. She climbs under the bottom rope and stands up facing Bourne. Bourne out of respect goes down on his knees to he at her level. He passes Chyna the mic and she begins to speak.


The crowd laughs at this and Bourne just smiles and goes to the corner where another mic is avaliable. He stands a bit far back from Chyna.

Bourne - Can you not spit while talking... I haven't had my rabies jab.

The crowd burst out into laughter

Bourne - I am quite sorry. I don't mean to insult you. I mean I just wanted to know why Triple H decided to associate with someone who was bigger than him at that point of his career. I mean he wasn't the first guy... I mean you made a Porn Tape called "One Night in Chyna" and word is... One Night is more than enough! I mean I recently heard that X-Pac was on Suicide Watch? I am sure the memories are bad enough without it being on tape too.

Chyna - I cannot wait for Triple H to kick your ass!

Bourne - Now now Chyna.... you are getting hysterical. I knew this would happen. I knew you would come out and try infecting me with some kind of animal carrier disease. This is Triple H's doing isn't it? Well I have backup! BOYS!

Just then Two men come from behind the back, both are wearing overalls, with DOG POUND written on the back. Both are carrying the nooses. They start chasing Chyna around the ring and eventually into the back. The crowd are howling with laughter. Bourne waits for the crowd to calm down before speaking

Bourne - Now if I get serious a minute... Triple H. I don't care which version of the game you are bringing at Aftershock. I don't care if you was man enough to date Chyna. All I know is... I won't be a walkover. You have more to lose than I do. You better come prepared....

Bourne drops the mic on the ground. His music plays as he walks up the ramp. The scene fades out