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#1 Contender for NEW World Tag Titles: Saviors of Wrestling vs Jack n’ Hoff


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
#1 Contender for NEW World Tag Titles: Saviors of Wrestling vs Jack n’ Hoff

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: #1 Contender for NEW World Tag Titles: Saviors of Wrestling vs Jack n’ Hoff

scene opens with a hotel room door being show. We now are inside the room were the Saviors of Wrestling are seen sitting.

Benjamin: First off let we say that the HPSC are going to walk over Karl Brown and Karla Starr.

Maxwell: Yeah that sucks we did not arrive back from England in time for you to get a chance to give a interview.

Benjamin: Yes I know, but what sucks more is that the NEW tag team title match got no hype.

Maxwell: We get a match together against Jack and something on night two however. So lets talk about that.

5 4 3 2 1 (techno music begins to play)

maxwell: Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone to First class!!!!!!!!!!!

Benjamin: What was that all about?

Maxwell: Well you have been off with your HPSC friends so I tweaked our intro a little. I mean lets face it Adam I am the MCW world champion, I have to sort of get out of your shadow.

Benjamin: Ok, hey do what you have to do. SO Jack N Hoff it appears we will face off under the co banner of EPW/NEW. Honestly I find it sad that we have to face off while the tag team titles are in another match.

Maxwell: The truth is that the Saviors of Wrestling are the best tag team in the world today.

Benjamin: Honestly this match is going to highlight the card. You have two of the best mat wrestlers in the world, against clowns.

Maxwell: When it is all said and done the Saviors of Wrestling will again be victorious.

Benjamin: HPSC and the SOW are were it is at.

Maxwell: Are we done?

Benjamin: yeah I am done, you can talk if you want.

Maxwell: Ok, Fans of all ages, guide your eyes to the screen you see before you. For it is I the MCW world champion of champions!!!! I am the man who sports the Members only jacket twenty four hours a day. I hold the key to one eyed Willy, and most of all I always get my man.

HA HA HA I am "First Class" Chandler Maxwell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Benjamin looks over with a surprised look on his face as the camera fades.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: #1 Contender for NEW World Tag Titles: Saviors of Wrestling vs Jack n’ Hoff

scene opens with a hotel room door being show. We now are inside the room were the Saviors of Wrestling are seen sitting.

Benjamin: First off let we say that the HPSC are going to walk over Karl Brown and Karla Starr.

Maxwell: Yeah that sucks we did not arrive back from England in time for you to get a chance to give a interview.

Benjamin: Yes I know, but what sucks more is that the NEW tag team title match got no hype.

Maxwell: We get a match together against Jack and something on night two however. So lets talk about that.

5 4 3 2 1 (techno music begins to play)

maxwell: Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone to First class!!!!!!!!!!!

Benjamin: What was that all about?

Maxwell: Well you have been off with your HPSC friends so I tweaked our intro a little. I mean lets face it Adam I am the MCW world champion, I have to sort of get out of your shadow.

Benjamin: Ok, hey do what you have to do. SO Jack N Hoff it appears we will face off under the co banner of EPW/NEW. Honestly I find it sad that we have to face off while the tag team titles are in another match.

Maxwell: The truth is that the Saviors of Wrestling are the best tag team in the world today.

Benjamin: Honestly this match is going to highlight the card. You have two of the best mat wrestlers in the world, against clowns.

Maxwell: When it is all said and done the Saviors of Wrestling will again be victorious.

Benjamin: HPSC and the SOW are were it is at.

Maxwell: Are we done?

Benjamin: yeah I am done, you can talk if you want.

Maxwell: Ok, Fans of all ages, guide your eyes to the screen you see before you. For it is I the MCW world champion of champions!!!! I am the man who sports the Members only jacket twenty four hours a day. I hold the key to one eyed Willy, and most of all I always get my man.

HA HA HA I am "First Class" Chandler Maxwell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Benjamin looks over with a surprised look on his face as the camera fades.)


League Member
Jan 11, 2006
Cape Cod
Re: #1 Contender for NEW World Tag Titles: Saviors of Wrestling vs Jack n’ Hoff

"And I thought we were the ones on drugs."

(Jack tosses his baseball cap onto the computer desk.)

"Speak for yourself, buddy."

(Hoff walks behind the counter and reaches into the refridgerator to grab a Coors Light.)

"But, yea, I must admit that the Saviors of Wrestling seemed a little, well, off."

"I think it is because they can't handle defeat. Not like us. We take it in stride, and we're going to waltz into Wrestlestock and walk out with a title shot."

(Jack walks past Hoff and grabs his own Coors Light.)

"And then we'll walk out with the titles."

(Jack smiles as he pops open his can, and continues.)

"But look at them. Adam Benjamin looks tired. Defeated. He couldn't even control Maxwell."

"That seems like a full time job to me."

"Hell yea. I mean, just look at the guy. He's crowing about being the MCW World Champion."

(Jack chugs the beer down and slams the empty can on the counter.)

"Champion of a dead promotion. Shows what talent he has. The company went under, it was a First Class tanking if you ask me."

(Hoff just shakes his head in disbelief.)

"You need to take a class on one-liners."

"You need to take a class on shutting the door when you're jerki..."

(Hoff slaps at the empty beer can in an attempt to hit Jack.)

"Shut it."


(Hoff turns to the camera.)

"Let's get one thing straight, guys. Wrestlestock isn't going to be a night where the Saviors of Wrestling can make any mistakes. You slip up once, and you'll find yourselves on the receiving end of the Sweet, Sweet Release."

(Jack steps in front of Hoff, blocking him.)

"And that's something Hoff knows a lot about!"

(Hoff pushes Jack from behind causing him to stumble out of the picture. We hear a loud crash and a cry of surprise.)

"**** off, Jack."

(Hoff looks at the camera.)

"And **** off to you two as well."

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